let's face it,
they have systematically used & abused true CCFC fans for far too long,
they have employed a series of devious / dubious, megalomaniac characters (imho), since their purchase,
they have lost, for, who knows how long,
perhaps a significantly damaging number of years, the faith & trust of CCFC followers,
they have pursued a succession of miss-truths (imho), from day one,
their PR has continued to be utterly abysmal,
i, & thousands, now feel totally alienated from the club we love,
we don't know who the owners are,
we know that the 'controller' is a devout christian, mmmm, pinch of salt,
we are told her family & investors come first,
(which would be prior to some 50,000 plus CCFC fans),
so exactly where, does mr, mrs, ms, CCFC fan figure in this equation ?