Munich another shooting (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
So what did you mean with this bullshit then?

A sarcastic suggestion as you are so concerned about Safety. Not what I want, but you suggested investigating 100s of thousands of innocent People in addition to the 59 suspicious ones being investigated


Well-Known Member
This doesn't relate to the point at hand in my reply, which are regarding up take of mental health services.

Nick has asserted that 1000s of refugees have arrived in Germany with mental health issues and thereby the mental health services are being directly impacted upon.

My point being how has he formed the assumption that the refugees would be queueing up for such services taking into account the social and cultural considerations.

Whilst the numbers of people acknowledging they have mental health issues and seeking assistance to address them is slowly increasing in the West, it simply doesn't follow that people from other countries/cultures will suddenly flock to take up such services.

Biggest problem being they have no therapists they can speak to in their own language. They won't or can't talk to the German therapists.


Well-Known Member
If we're looking in particular at Syria its been a colossal fuck up. We started bombing them with no idea what we would do when people very predictably started fleeing the area.

I'm sure if, when we had terriorst trouble on our shores courtesy of the IRA if, lets say, Russia decided to start bombing the UK to 'help' plenty of people on here would have been legging it to France as quickly as they could and when France got overwhelmed they would have kept going to other countries.

What should have happened is that there sure have been facilities to process refugees as they left the country. Place them temporarily into holding camps before distributing them through numerous countries. That way you could stop people from other countries claiming to be Syrian refugees for a start. You also have some record of who is moving where and can check that against crime and terrorism databases.

The consequence of everyone saying it wasn't there problem was it had to get to a stage of total crisis before anyone did anything. By then there were already refugees spread all over the place, with no record of who was where. Then other immigrants and terrorists mixed in with them using the confusion as cover.

Why isn't there more camps like Zattari? That's what we need but its too late now. The genie is out of the bottle and nobody has a plan to put in back in.

Syria was massively fucked up before bombs started getting dropped by the west.

This is what people don't understand, Assad had alledgedly already killed over 100,000 of his own people tonks ago.

We only got involved when Isis had about 30,000 members already, and this all came later.

There was the potential of loads of refugees then, but they didn't really start coming until the door was held open in the last year or so.

Not saying they don't have the right to try and get away, of course they do. However, (not saying you are) blaming the west for its bombing having caused the refugee crisis is actually incorrect.


Well-Known Member
You see, what you perceive as the views of the right and extreme right (on this matter at least) are what I believe a majority of Germans are really thinking even if they haven't yet come out and said so.

According to the last poll I read AfD ( anti Immigration Party ) was 10%. Tonight in Ansbach 50 right wingers demonstrated against the influx of refugees and were massively outnumbered by people shouting 'refugees welcome'. So, believe what you think, but it is not as onesided in reality.

I am not leftwing and have never voted labour. I think the right has grown in the last few years and I am now seen- especially on here - as a leftie. This is scary. All around us are people like Erdogan, Putin, Orban, Trump, Farage ( playing the crowd ) and the Polish - 'God, Honour, Fatherland' cxxts waiting in the wings. The buffoon Johnson is stewing in his own gravy - he is looking very uneasy and will have to deal with some of these people.


According to the last poll I read AfD ( anti Immigration Party ) was 10%. Tonight in Ansbach 50 right wingers demonstrated against the influx of refugees and were massively outnumbered by people shouting 'refugees welcome'. So, believe what you think, but it is not as onesided in reality.

Judging by the members on here in Germany, it comes across that if you say anything about immigration you are a racist or a nazi. No wonder people probably keep it to themselves.

I'd imagine the general feeling has changed over time hasn't it?


Well-Known Member
Syria was massively fucked up before bombs started getting dropped by the west.

This is what people don't understand, Assad had alledgedly already killed over 100,000 of his own people tonks ago.

We only got involved when Isis had about 30,000 members already, and this all came later.

There was the potential of loads of refugees then, but they didn't really start coming until the door was held open in the last year or so.

Not saying they don't have the right to try and get away, of course they do. However, (not saying you are) blaming the west for its bombing having caused the refugee crisis is actually incorrect.

The whole fuck up was caused by the British and French drawing lines on maps after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. Choosing who was going to run these artificial countries and betraying the arabs allied to us. Merkel said 'wir schaffen es' when millions were already internally displaced or in neighbouring countries and already in Budapest chanting 'Germany!'.

The person who has least to do with the cause of all this is Merkel.


Well-Known Member
Judging by the members on here in Germany, it comes across that if you say anything about immigration you are a racist or a nazi. No wonder people probably keep it to themselves.

I'd imagine the general feeling has changed over time hasn't it?

There are a lot of Nazis on social media who are trying to wind people and some are backed by Putin.

If I say anything on a Public forum - as on here- I get immediate replies slagging Merkel, Gabriel, the US or the EU. A university has studied this phenomina and found that the messages are coordinated and it is all about Russia at the end of the day.

There are plenty of anti refugee posts from AfD. AfD was tweeting about Munich being an islamist attack during the amok run- starting the tweets 'vote AfD'. The Tweets were later deleted when people got upset about them campaigning whilst people were being shot.They were wrong anyway, which showed them up as well.

So, there are plenty of right wing anti refugee people on social networks.

My nazi 'friends' share articles from 'Junge Freiheit' and 'Compact'. I read - or watch - them sometimes.

The novelty of refugees has worn of, but the women I know who were helping are still helping. My Missus doesn't like them, but grudgingly accepts the situation.


There are a lot of Nazis on social media who are trying to wind people and some are backed by Putin.

If I say anything on a Public forum - as on here- I get immediate replies slagging Merkel, Gabriel, the US or the EU. A university has studied this phenomina and found that the messages are coordinated and it is all about Russia at the end of the day.

There are plenty of anti refugee posts from AfD. AfD was tweeting about Munich being an islamist attack during the amok run- starting the tweets 'vote AfD'. The Tweets were later deleted when people got upset about them campaigning whilst people were being shot.They were wrong anyway, which showed them up as well.

So, there are plenty of right wing anti refugee people on social networks.

My nazi 'friends' share articles from 'Junge Freiheit' and 'Compact'. I read - or watch - them sometimes.

The novelty of refugees has worn of, but the women I know who were helping are still helping. My Missus doesn't like them, but grudgingly accepts the situation.
I dont doubt there are actual Nazis and Racists about, nor do I agree with it. That doesn't mean they are the same as somebody who feels differently about immigration policies though?


Well-Known Member
I dont doubt there are actual Nazis and Racists about, nor do I agree with it. That doesn't mean they are the same as somebody who feels differently about immigration policies though?

Never said it was. They may well be right wing though, or even very right wing. Which is, of course, still in the accepted democratic spectrum.


Well-Known Member
This is my problem. Now I know that the people of the UK largely are infatuated with Islam if not in the throes of a girly crush however...
This to me just confirms that agressive under current that is always there, sitting ready to make a big news story out of nothing. Subtle bullying that over the years that makes people scared if the smallest thing that might offend. Subtle mind games that have been going on for years. Largely by the non muslim liberal elite

CCFC Germany

Active Member
Judging by the members on here in Germany, it comes across that if you say anything about immigration you are a racist or a nazi. No wonder people probably keep it to themselves.

I'd imagine the general feeling has changed over time hasn't it?

That's just bulls.
What makes you a racist ist claiming that every muslim / refugee is a potential terrorist. Generalisation. Just like calling everybody (!) a Nazi.
Plus I did not hear / read any probable solutions and proposals from that camp but "I don't want them".


That's just bulls.
What makes you a racist ist claiming that every muslim / refugee is a potential terrorist. Generalisation. Just like calling everybody (!) a Nazi.
Plus I did not hear / read any probable solutions and proposals from that camp but "I don't want them".
Who has said that every refugee is a terrorist?

CCFC Germany

Active Member
Who has said that every refugee is a terrorist?
Who said everybody is a racist ?

In my camp? What's that then?
Somebody who has a different view on immigration to you?

I don't have problems with different opinions, but with not coming up with decent proposals to solve an issue but just "to get rid of it".
Those are likely to use violence as can bee seen in Germany every week, e.g.


Who said everybody is a racist ?

I don't have problems with different opinions, but with not coming up with decent proposals to solve an issue but just "to get rid of it".
Those are likely to use violence as can bee seen in Germany every week, e.g.
You are having a good go, already going on about "your camp" and Nazis.

It's a bit embarrassing really, nobody on here is saying wipe them out or put them in a gas chamber. More like have stricter immigration processes.


Well-Known Member
Maybe they should, they wouldn't hack at people with axes then.

My comments about mental health are based on the way Mart tries to say "ah its ok, its not ISIS they have mental health issues".

What is ok? Where did I say that? I said 2 attacks had nothing to do with Muslim terrorism. They were not 'ok', but claiming that they were Muslim terror attacks is bullshit and stirring up religious hatred and because they were Brown not white people, there is a bit of racism thrown in.


Well-Known Member
What is ok? Where did I say that? I said 2 attacks had nothing to do with Muslim terrorism. They were not 'ok', but claiming that they were Muslim terror attacks is bullshit and stirring up religious hatred and because they were Brown not white people, there is a bit of racism thrown in.

Out of interest how many people who are depressed and attempt suicide have previously used a bomb to kill themselves? Where did that idea form do you think?


What is ok? Where did I say that? I said 2 attacks had nothing to do with Muslim terrorism. They were not 'ok', but claiming that they were Muslim terror attacks is bullshit and stirring up religious hatred and because they were Brown not white people, there is a bit of racism thrown in.

Yes, they were not ISIS but still classed as "terror" attacks. If you have a look back through the threads, when the guy stabbed the woman MP I said he should be classed the same as ISIS as it was no different to the soldier being stabbed on the street. He was a white bloke wasn't he?

It is nothing to do with racism, I have no doubt that people are racist but there is a long way between somebody saying kill all brown people and somebody having concerns about immigration isn't there?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't start taking a pro Jewish stance if I were you. The people being allowed into your country don't even recognise Israel on a map. It's actually removed.

It is funny that a particular culture which is deeply racist, mysoginistic and outrageously homophobic is staunchly defended by those who would be morally outraged if the indegenous European population espoused the views that they do.

I think all religion is bullshit and Islam, as interpreted by some, is the worst at this moment in time.

But..., the majority of Muslims are not commiting crimes. We have a duty e.g. under the Geneva Convention and a moral obligation to take people fleeing a war zone.

Neither race nor religion is a reason for refusing people sanctuary.

If you think that not knowing where Israel is, means you can send refugees back to, say, Aleppo, then you are no better than ISIS who mistreat people who cannot quote the Qran.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they were not ISIS but still classed as "terror" attacks. If you have a look back through the threads, when the guy stabbed the woman MP I said he should be classed the same as ISIS as it was no different to the soldier being stabbed on the street. He was a white bloke wasn't he?

It is nothing to do with racism, I have no doubt that people are racist but there is a long way between somebody saying kill all brown people and somebody having concerns about immigration isn't there?

A terrorist attack is perpetuated by terrorists - not by jilted lovers or deranged bullied kids for personal reasons. They are terrifying, but there is no ISIS message or agenda. They are chance events and some are getting paranoid and claiming they are part of an onslaught.


A terrorist attack is perpetuated by terrorists - not by jilted lovers or deranged bullied kids for personal reasons. They are terrifying, but there is no ISIS message or agenda. They are chance events and some are getting paranoid and claiming they are part of an onslaught.

But then you focus on those, whether it was ISIS or not. One of them was still carried out by a refugee.


Well-Known Member
I'm not speaking for anyone, I 'm making an observation.
The same is true in Britain, people would not be voting for UKIP if the mainstream parties adopted policies which were more in line with how a majority of British voters feel.

How many MPs has UKIP got?


Well-Known Member
But then you focus on those, whether it was ISIS or not. One of them was still carried out by a refugee.

So? There are a Million refugees from last year and more from previous years ( as he was ). Does this one murder prove anything about refugees? Or are you using it to reinforce you predudice? If anything, it confirms - by being worth a headline - the statistics that show Syrians as being not more criminal than the Germans.


Well-Known Member
But then you focus on those, whether it was ISIS or not. One of them was still carried out by a refugee.

The press should focus on the threat posed by terrorism. The other - non terrorist - murders should be analysed for what they are.

The foaming at the mouth Brigade and the frightened citizens are exactly what ISIS want. By jumping on chance events you are giving ISIS an unexpected bonus.

They will undoubtly learn from this how best to terrorise us. A great exercise for them with absolutely no risk or losses in these 2 chance attacks.


So? There are a Million refugees from last year and more from previous years ( as he was ). Does this one murder prove anything about refugees? Or are you using it to reinforce you predudice? If anything, it confirms - by being worth a headline - the statistics that show Syrians as being not more criminal than the Germans.

If they weren't commited by ISIS then they weren't commited by ISIS were they?

There were a million refugees in Germany? You are assuming every single one is a Syrian also? It was said at the time people who aren't in need would take the piss, that has proved correct hasn't it?


Well-Known Member
Out of interest how many people who are depressed and attempt suicide have previously used a bomb to kill themselves? Where did that idea form do you think?

I don't know. Nick was referring to the non-terrorist attacks and you seem to be changing the subject.

There is the theory that he ( Ansbach terrorist ) wanted to kill himself anyway and because of the media interest in the Machete attacks, decided to kill two birds with one stone and go out as a glorious martyr. That is a theory. We may never know, but that is a terrorist attack, even if it includes- as an extra - a personal wish.


I don't know. Nick was referring to the non-terrorist attacks and you seem to be changing the subject.

There is the theory that he ( Ansbach terrorist ) wanted to kill himself anyway and because of the media interest in the Machete attacks, decided to kill two birds with one stone and go out as a glorious martyr. That is a theory. We may never know, but that is a terrorist attack, even if it includes- as an extra - a personal wish.

I'd say most suicide bombers want to kill themselves wouldn't they?

So what you are trying to get across it wasn't because of ISIS, it is a knock on event from the mentally ill guy hacking at people in the street? Had he not seen the media interest in ISIS then?


Well-Known Member
If they weren't commited by ISIS then they weren't commited by ISIS were they?

There were a million refugees in Germany? You are assuming every single one is a Syrian also? It was said at the time people who aren't in need would take the piss, that has proved correct hasn't it?

I am not assuming every refugee is Syrian. But you were talking about Syrian refugees and a high percentage are.

There are 'hangers on' especially the Nafris who are statiscally much more criminal. Many from the Slum estates of the Magreb. The travel agents in Casablanca reported heavy demand for one way tickets to Turkey last year. But, anyway, these are the pick pockets and arse grabbers, neither genuine refugees nor terrorists. And are not wanted by anyone as far as I know- the big problem is getting their countries to take them back. They threw away their papers to get into Europe and the officials use that as an excuse not to let them back home.

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