Safe standing (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Evening guys
Just thought I would bring it up.
Would anyone be for safe standing if they bought it back.
IMO i would be for it, I would like to see it in the south stand and put the home fans there with the way fans in what's currently 'singers corner' to add banter between the two sets of fans.
I would love to see it back and the way they do it abroad is fantasic and perfectly safe, it is where every fan who buys a ticket has there own rail, and there is also a seat
Here is a pic
I think if safe standing was introduced in england, Coventry won't do it, possibly cause of money, safety, and various over reasons.
Thoughts guys and girls?

Ernie Machin

New Member
I'm all for it. The Bundesliga way is 100% safe and the atmosphere in Germany is outstanding. I'm sure the emotive arguments will kick in, but they generally make no sense - this whole issue also misses out the cause of Hillsborough - it wasn't standing or terraces, it was the breakdown in control by the police, that let thousands of people fill in pens that were already packed, while others remained virtually empty. Will it happen? Unlikely. Too many vested interests and politics at play.


Well-Known Member
Ideally, you can put away fans in the corner and have an end where there would be a terrace.

But it will never happen, one of the reasons is that the steps currently in place are far too steep.


Well-Known Member
Ideally, you can put away fans in the corner and have an end where there would be a terrace.

But it will never happen, one of the reasons is that the steps currently in place are far too steep.

I agree but would that be such an issue with that safe standing because the railings go quite high?


Well-Known Member
I think its about the choice myself, I sit down in Block 15 (bout midway up, same level as the stairs to the concourse), but away I mostly stand all the time.
I know that there is a 'campaign' for this, and that they are in Liverpool tonight for there opening presentation - they chose Liverpool for obvious reasons - apparently they have technology to prove it and I am imagine there has been some engineering and thought gone into this based around the Geman model, my opinion - i'd love it and hope to see it, it's not hard to clamp a stainless steel guard rail to concrete.

Last season I managed to go to Hull, Leicester, Cardiff, Brum and Norwich, I never sat down once at any of them and neither did anyone else around me,

standing still exists so why not encourage it and make it safe ?

things are lot different to the times of Hillsborough


New Member
People already stand up in football grounds why not make it safe so people have an option if they
want to sit or stand they can simple.


Facebook User
I stand up at all games anyway as do a lot of fans - safe standing is a great idea, unfortunately I think it will take ages to take off if it ever does

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
Nope. Set against it. I won't pay high prices to stand! The older you get the more you want to sit and let everyone have a view.
A more comfortable seat would be a better campaign. Whe I was a kid at the Spion Kop i rushed to get a 'bar' I could sit up on and if I failed to squeeze onto one I barely saw any of the game.
Being lifted off your feet by an overly energetic crowd and ending up several yards further down the terracing is frightening.
Simply put it's an old outdated way to attend a mass stadium event. It wouldn't be any different - just scary for a lot of people and dangerous on too many levels. under the old 'west end' police could never get to a fight quick enough in the densely populated standing crowd.
Simply fraught with problems.
There would be an increase in attendance levels as the ration to standing is different so clubs could benefit but at what cost?
It's a 'romantic' idea but not practical. Things move on for a reason. Accept them but improve the new.


Facebook User
Nope. Set against it. I won't pay high prices to stand! The older you get the more you want to sit and let everyone have a view.
A more comfortable seat would be a better campaign. Whe I was a kid at the Spion Kop i rushed to get a 'bar' I could sit up on and if I failed to squeeze onto one I barely saw any of the game.
Being lifted off your feet by an overly energetic crowd and ending up several yards further down the terracing is frightening.
Simply put it's an old outdated way to attend a mass stadium event. It wouldn't be any different - just scary for a lot of people and dangerous on too many levels. under the old 'west end' police could never get to a fight quick enough in the densely populated standing crowd.
Simply fraught with problems.
There would be an increase in attendance levels as the ration to standing is different so clubs could benefit but at what cost?
It's a 'romantic' idea but not practical. Things move on for a reason. Accept them but improve the new.

You can't end up further down the terracing with the safe standing, infact you're more likely to fall down in the current seating.. And the whole stadium wouldn't be safe standing only a small section so there will be plenty of seats to choose from if you prefer to sit. You're problems are now solved feel free to join in with wanting safe standing now


Well-Known Member
There is a place for both, blocks 15 & 16 normally stand so designate that the safe standing bit, if there is a thurst for more open up 14.


Well-Known Member
I would be all for Safe Standing. I prefer to stand during games, and if thats the case, why not make it as safe as possible? Ive not been in 15 before, but since it is my lucky number, i think this year i will give it a go.


New Member
I'm with Paxman, don't want standing. Lived through 70s & 80s. 'You'll never take the West End' and all that crap. (They often did). Fences, all the things Paxman said. Pond life driving people away from the game all over the country. People dying, they had fences at Hillsboro because of all the yobs, just think, if the yobs hadn't existed those 97 people would still be alive. 'Safe standing' is just the thin end of the wedge. Give people an inch and they'll take a mile. We all know the lowlife are there waiting for their chance. A shame for the law abiding people who want to stand, but it is a reality. It's like this expression I keep seeing 'banter.' It so quickly turns into violence. & people wanting to be nearer to away fans 'for the banter.' Think we know what that's all about.
why do you think that, theres still stadiums today with normal standing

Not in our league long term. Any that make it to the championship have to pay. In today's world you cannot do day to day things at work like lift stuff the wrong way and you think they will allow 8000 people to all stand behind each other on a 30 degree angle? Now don't take this the wrong way but how old are you and did you experience the stuff above?

Big crowds standing in stadiums today just will not happen IMO.

Ernie Machin

New Member
It won't happen because of both financial and political reasons, but it should. There is a demand for it, I don't see a problem with a section of the stadium being safe standing. If you're an old fart, you can still sit in your boring sanitised seat.

We will never go back to the good/bad old days, but standing at a match feels natural to me.

It's more like a gig than a match!

P.S Mike McGinnity made a fortune out of the Hillsborough disaster. Pretty sick business really.


Well-Known Member
i do agree with your opinions about the angles and things like that, but surely it is more safe than the thousand or so standing in the corner, or away fans

Paxman II

Well-Known Member will breed yobish behaviour. That's a sad indictment on today's society but unfortunately so true.
I think as a society we have moved on. I don't want to be treated like cattle told the only ticket left was in standing only?
Or suffer from the inevitable 'gang' like mentality that will surely come with it. the siege mentality that came with the 'West End' will come back and spill onto the streets before and after the game.


Facebook User
At the end of the day people who want to stand are standing anyway so why not make it safer? I don't see how making standing safer is going to suddenly make people turn violent and bring back the 70s and 80s :confused:


Facebook User will breed yobish behaviour. That's a sad indictment on today's society but unfortunately so true.
I think as a society we have moved on. I don't want to be treated like cattle told the only ticket left was in standing only?
Or suffer from the inevitable 'gang' like mentality that will surely come with it. the siege mentality that came with the 'West End' will come back and spill onto the streets before and after the game.

a) When does the Ricoh ever run out of tickets? I'm sure you would get your seat for 99.9% of games
b) I think you've been watching too much green street, violence 'spilling out' outside the Ricoh? This isn't Millwall! I've never had to run for cover after a game anyway and I go to all of them. Worst I've seen is probably kids sticking their fingers up at the away team coach. Football is too well policed these days - with the cameras watching B15 all the time anyone who causes trouble is soon banned.
c) People are standing at games anyway which is supposedly 'unsafe' as you're not supposed to stand in a seated stadium due to 'health and safety' or will it take someone to get a serious injury from standing in a seated area before safe standing is considered?

Ernie Machin

New Member
The idea that adjusting a section of the stadium would breed yobbishness is ridiculous. The dark days of the 80's was a problem with society, not football. But again, I don't think some people realise what safe standing is about, it's not a return to inadequate terracing and ramshackle stadiums, it's just a different way of experiencing football.


Facebook User
The idea that adjusting a section of the stadium would breed yobbishness is ridiculous. The dark days of the 80's was a problem with society, not football. But again, I don't think some people realise what safe standing is about, it's not a return to inadequate terracing and ramshackle stadiums, it's just a different way of experiencing football.

Well said, I don't think people realise what safe standing actually is, I think they just think it's a return of how it was 30 years ago

Guys please read the football supporters federation's take on safe standing and what it actually looks like and means. We will forgive you for initially being against it.


Well-Known Member
Well said, I don't think people realise what safe standing actually is, I think they just think it's a return of how it was 30 years ago

Guys please read the football supporters federation's take on safe standing and what it actually looks like and means. We will forgive you for initially being against it.

Tried telling people but they must not have gone on tthe link!
I think it's a lot more safe than standing in seating areas, and why would moving from seating to standing cause hooliganism within the fans, if they wanted to cause trouble they could now, just as easy as if they were standing


Well-Known Member
just watching the womens world cup and the stadium there at has standing, were you have normal seats but a railing infront if you want to stand

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
I have looked into it as requested by some of you and indeed 'safe standing' is a somewhat different idea from the past such as the 80's as many of you refer to.

However I also see many safty problems with those waist high bars becoming a dangerous obstruction in the event of an emergency. Seated areas today as at the Ricoh are so low profile that access over them is easily obtained. barriers at least wait high are not.

If the standing was like in those designs I might actually enjoy it but again would be concerned for safety reasons.

My final point is why would you want to stand and lean on a bar when you can sit down? everyone has a torso generally of equal size but your height is dictated by your leg length. I know sounds silly but true. Seated people are all generally at the same height when sat therefore not obstructing others view.

Overall though I just don't get why? My son is 20 and he even says he wants to sit and enjoy the game comfortably not standing or leaning around with others close in your space. He has a point and as I said before i would support a campaign for an increase in seating space, seating size and seating comfort more than a backward step to standing around. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
its because many fans think standing creates alot more atmosphere, also pretty much everyone in block15 including me didnt sit down once last season, which is probably alot less safer than stading in seating areas

Ernie Machin

New Member
As I've mentioned before, this isn't about making the entire stadium safe standing, only a portion of it to meet the demand for it. I also go back to the point that Hillsborough was not caused by terracing itself - it was caused by the massive fences and the police losing control. Can you imagine how awful the Bradford disaster would have been with those fences up? Thousands would have died. So we really need to forget this argument that seating is in any way safer than standing - it's the other circumstances that come in to play.

As of now....You want a seat? You've got it. You want to stand? You've got a seat. CHOICE, that's all I'd ask for.

Still see this as a pointless argument anyway, I really doubt things will change any time soon.
Ok I followed the link! How many people in block 15 actually stand only because the guy in front does ie: if he doesn't stand tand up then he would not be able to see?


Well-Known Member
Ok I followed the link! How many people in block 15 actually stand only because the guy in front does ie: if he doesn't stand tand up then he would not be able to see?

Well other than a few down the bottom, 85% stand up every game all game, and I'm one of them

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