It would all be over a damn sight quicker if it was. I can just imagine it........,,,,
You bought the club including a contract to pay £1.3 million rent a year?
Your plan was quick promotion, sell for a profit short term, so the rent cost wasn't important to you?
You badly invested the money and ran the club poorly, Plan A didn't work and in fact you got relegated?
The rent then become a big issue you were renting a premiership standard stadium whilst in the third division?
You stopped paying the rent and turned down a few offers around the 200-400k mark. Then broke the contract by moving to Northampton
We're you doing all this hoping the business running the stadium would go under or you devalue it so you get it a lot cheaper?
Well it's more complicated than that
Let me me rephrase the question did a high court judge rule that that is what you did
You succeeded in lowering the value but then the charity and council sold the business to someone else
Now you are saying that they can't do that and you want to claim compensation for all this