What I don't like is that Bush claimed to have spoken with God, Blair has admitted he was a closet Catholic when he agreed to go in, Cameron is talking now about protecting Christian values. We can hardly criticise them for portraying us as crusaders. Our
politicians should drop all religious talk. Not out of deference to Muslims, but to show that our society is acting as it is for universally just reasons and not to protect or further any religion. Our society is stronger and more just than any in Arabia and more so than Russia. Russia is ruled by a cleptocracy and has to continue with regional wars to distract the population from the government's continued economic failings.
I would hardly hold the Russian form of government as a positive alternative to our 'soft' western ways. Rather do a deal with the IRA who have some moral justification- for the struggle, not the senseless murders, than send the army on a 'holiday' into someone else's country.
We are taking out the leadership of ISIS slowly but surely and we are pulling terrorists in Europe. We haven't lost the war against radical Islam yet and I am not scared of the relatively few Muslim terrorists. What is important, is that we don't alienate the decent Muslims such as by throwing human rights out of the window for Muslims. Take them out in active situations by all means - that saves lives, but be seen to be acting within the law when they are prisoners.