Euro Hooligans (1 Viewer)


Will create a seperate thread to keep the football one seperate.

It is getting stupid and dangerous now.

Just seen some of it on the news about the Russian fans storming the England end attacking anybody they can and families scrambling to get away.

The stewards just stood about shitting themselves.

If it was English fans storming the other ends there would be uproar and some sort of punishment, they need to sort it out.


What's the betting it will be classed as the England fans and England getting some punishment?


Reading that Polish and Northern Ireland fans at it now but other reports that it is locals attacking both



Well-Known Member
Putting a hooligan hat on for a minute. I presume the russians think taking on England will make them top dogs? not sure how this will get them respect in the murky world of the hooligan? They are about 20 years too late. There are very few serious thugs from this country at this type of event from england now so they have attacked smallpockets of drunk fans who they heavily out number while carrying knives and metal bars???


Putting a hooligan hat on for a minute. I presume the russians think taking on England will make them top dogs? not sure how this will get them respect in the murky world of the hooligan? They are about 20 years too late. There are very few serious thugs from this country at this type of event from england now so they have attacked smallpockets of drunk fans who they heavily out number while carrying knives and metal bars???

The Eastern Europeans are mental, they have like training camps for them and everything.

It is going to end up out of hand, especially if it is the locals kicking off all over the shop too. How long until other not very nice groups of people use this sort of thing to pounce?

It looks like the police have no control.


Well-Known Member
England fans not blameless by any stretch. Don't throw bottles and chairs at the french police, no matter what the provocation. But the really nasty stuff has come from the Russians (and locals) clearly - from eyewitness stuff and videos, and much of what we have seen is retaliation and self-defence. It's easy for people to criticise, but when you're cornered in a bar by some of Putin's finest carrying weapons what are you meant to do? And to think they're hosting the world cup. But we'll get the blame of course.


Well-Known Member
I would add i have seen no coverage of english fans putting it on.russians, though the pelting of the police and obnoxious behaviour is to be condemned as usual


Just reading now it is Nice ultras attacking both the Polish and NI fans.

The common theme with this is the french locals getting stuck in.

FIFA / UEFA need a kick up the arse and tell the French to sort it out before innocent people get seriously hurt.


Where are the police with all of this? It seems like they are turning up 10 minutes later and tear gassing the english fans.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
A country that shouldn't have a World Cup, anybody who has any sense would best best off giving Russia 2018 a wide berth.


How are they getting flares and stuff into the ground? That bang was massive towards the end of the game.



Well-Known Member
A country that shouldn't have a World Cup, anybody who has any sense would best best off giving Russia 2018 a wide berth.

Wouldn't disagree with that. I remember we played them in a qualifier about 9-10 years and somebody telling me England fans were attacked in a queue at McDonalds. Russian police looked on laughing. Would be crazy to go out there.


Absoloute fucking animals.

The pattern seems to be a gang of them jumping individual fans.

Do other countries ban hooligans from going like they do here?


Super Moderator
Sad news if true. Need to do something about this but it'll just be reported as English hooliganism as normal.


Well-Known Member
I hope it isn't true :(

Reports say pushed in front of the train, hopefully a hoax!

Yeah, but some sick hoax if so. The source seems credible. Fuck me I hope not. Gonna be a long night for the poor sods out there. Get back to your hotel, shut the door and get the fuck out of the pace in the morning.


Yeah, but some sick hoax if so. The source seems credible. Fuck me I hope not. Gonna be a long night for the poor sods out there. Get back to your hotel, shut the door and get the fuck out of the pace in the morning.

They are going to have to stop games from going ahead to prevent it all happening.


Yeah, but some sick hoax if so. The source seems credible. Fuck me I hope not. Gonna be a long night for the poor sods out there. Get back to your hotel, shut the door and get the fuck out of the pace in the morning.

Apparently a french woman who has been hospitalised.


Just watching it on the news, it is showing in the stadium where the russian fans rushed the england fans. It caused england fans to try and get out of the way which meant they were jumping over the fence which is potentially 10 - 15 feet to try and get away.


Shit, its all kicking off where collymore is now:

Sounds like it was all organised and that it was all french locals. Apparently groups from Nice, marseille and everywhere else.

Collymore has been teargassed.

he called it earlier on, said the england fans were just stood around and the locals looked really shifty.

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Madness, the police are teargassing the English fans after the french locals kicked off. About 300 - 400 of them.


Well-Known Member
England have unfortunately developed the stigma of the 'worst football hooligans' but the ones from Russia for example are absolute head-the-balls and clearly bringing the situation on.

Now whilst the rational side of me is saying the England fans should just 'walk away' this is clearly a nonsensical position to take if you're the ones constantly getting the flack.

I'm not encourage or justifying the acts of the England fans, but the stigma is presenting the situation where 'fans' from other countries are trying to achieve notoriety of having 'taken on the England fans', but also the police/stewards seem to be out of their depth and more worryingly still of the opinion that England are constantly the aggressors.


Well-Known Member
Joey Barton on talk sports said he and his mates came out of the metro station and came across 50-60 Russians all tooled up with knuckle dusters, metal bars etc. He said it seemed a well organised attack.
It's a fucking disgrace tbh. Proper hard nuts attacking average Joe English fan. Like someone has mentioned, they're 20 fucking years too late.

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Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
Joey Barton on talk sports said he and his mates came out of the metro station and came across 50-60 Russians all tooled up with knuckle dusters, metal bars etc. He said it seemed a well organised attack.
It's a fucking disgrace tbh. Proper hard nuts attacking average Joe English fan. Like someone has mentioned, they're 20 fucking years too late.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

By the time it gets into the press it will be Joey Barton and thuggish mates attack peaceful Russian fans;)

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