Euro Hooligans (2 Viewers)


Deleted member 5849

Field-forest-meadow at the Old Port

Among the followers of the English national team, there is little more organized hooligans.Nevertheless, they are still considered legitimate target - like around the game against Russia.Anatomy of a violent weekend.

FromDaniel Ryser


"It really is important that you contact your opponent in the head - otherwise he is still the same again": Russian hooligans beat a British one, Marseille, June 11th.PHOTO: CARL COURT, GETTY

Again and again in trouble with English football fans, there was a tendency to say after this weekend: The drink, provoke, then they roar any racist slogan, throwing a couple of beer bottles at police and beat up a defenseless do not know any differently.And in fact, on Youtube you can watch among other exactly: An Englishman has a fantastic last Friday in Marseille from the tear gas mist and then hits a man holding two bags in their hands, at full speed a left hook to the temple.The man collapses and remains motionless.

In the hours that followed there were further isolated scuffles between some English and French hooligans.An Englishman was beaten up by the French and thrown into the harbor.He rowed drunk with the poor, to some people pulled him from the water.The next day, the day of the match between England and Russia, it got started: Around 150 Russian hooligans attacked the Old Port of Marseille English fans, several people were seriously injured.Then stormed same hooligans at the stadium a family sector.Panic broke out.No police in sight.Who were those hooligans?Why did they go so brutally against the English?And why the English were unable or unwilling to oppose this violence something where they do have a pretty bad reputation itself?

Ghosts from the past
But that the English were overrun, is no surprise.For the days where notorious British hooligans appeared organized to play their national team, are long gone.If the usual spontaneous provocations, rowdiness and brawls subtracting that are likely to be a side effect of greater Soccer events forever, then took the last big, organized and brutal appearance English hooligans at a major tournament of 1998. - namely here in Marseille during the world Championships (which is why the local hooligans had prepared in advance).At that time, around the game between England and Tunisia, organized English Hooligans an hours-long manhunt on everything they did not seem severally or was not red hair.For some English hooligans went to jail.After riots at the Euro 2000 then was quiet.

What the English to this day, over and over again, whether in the Champions League in Rome in 2007 or 2010 at the European Championship qualifier in Switzerland, makes the seemingly legitimate goal of trophies that applies to attack it and their shame there as recently hold true with body mounted Go-Pro cameras: These are the ghosts of the past that are stuck to this day in the collective memory, ghosts, of which the media can not be solved, the police did not, but also the opposing hooligans not, like the Russians do everything when it comes against the English.There are, for example, the images of the disaster in 1985 when Liverpool hooligans in Brussels Heysel Stadium stormed the family sector and 39 people died in the stampede.In Marseille it was exactly the reverse: Russian hooligans stormed the family sector, the British fled.

This image in turn says a lot about how much one hand the British public has changed, but also on how the image of his opponent has not changed.After all, it was the English who had invented hooliganism.And the eighties in England were overshadowed by an uninhibited, extreme and often extremely racist violence that claimed not only in Heysel dead.Even the Russians were the English model, to the clothing brands which are now carried throughout the scene.In Russia, however, the hooliganism established only in the late nineties, when he was in England already on the wane.

You can see it in documentaries and in reports read about the legendary and infamous English "hooligan firms" from Millwall, Chelsea, West Ham, Manchester: The repression it has here and there was almost wiped out - even if for example the Chelsea Headhunters 2014 in a similar manner as now the Russian hooligans in Paris ahead of the Champions League quarterfinals appeared out of nowhere and hours of scuffles with hooligans from PSG delivered.Here was the Headhunters succeeded, giving them no longer possible at the games of the national team: They had traveled via Belgium to France and then disappeared from the radar of authorities.Not so with encounters of national teams, especially at world and European championships.The English were indeed why so relentlessly hunted in Marseille through the streets, because the British authorities had made unlike their French and Russian counterparts as only their job: They had spoken in advance over 2000 travel bans for hooligans and confiscated their passports, including also those of James Shayler, who had called in May to to fraternize with Russian hooligans and make in Marseille jointly hunt for Muslims.

Deleted member 5849

An intricate constellation
The vast majority of English football travelers are drunken Daddys, some of which are in Liverpool or in London's East End certainly rough manners are used by many years of counter experience and probably be quickly provoked when the alcohol has flowed in streams for hours - Daddys as well, which is not the national team follow behind with the aim to fight.

English police knew that, but confessed them their French colleagues no competence to - despite the fact that English had warned in December before the complicated combination England against Russia in historically polluted Marseille.Instead, the French were as adept as you can escalate completely a tense situation: entry as some British and French began to provoke the officers not deeskalierten instead they shot several times and repeatedly tear gas grenades in thousands of peaceful revelers English fans (and later, in the stadium, they refrained block the sectors)."Ahead of the Euro, the French police had raised an extreme security apparatus, had hundreds Away trips from French fans banned the dubious reference to the state of emergency - and now, in the face of this high-risk game, seemed the police to strike," Pavel Klymenko said that for the network Football against Racism was an observer on the ground in Europe (Fare).

Special Fairplay
And then the Russians came.Just two dozen names had send the French, the Russian authorities - five of them sat then still in the charter plane the official Russian Supporters Association, whose president is a right-wing hooligan itself.Those five were sent back at the border.

But there were other ways to get into the country: Pavel Klymenko saw in Marseille a rented minibus full of Russian hooligans with Swiss license plates.

"Had the Russians met in Marseille on organized hooligans, they would have probably fought among themselves," Klymenko said."But that did not exist.So they attacked all the others with great brutality. "When times a sat resisted, he was beaten by several people to the ground and as long kicked in the head until he no longer moved.An Englishman is in a coma.

This souped machines, as they are now described in the media, men so that drive for hooliganism regularly Martial Arts, but are not a Russian peculiarity.They are, for example, also in Switzerland."Field-forest-meadow": The origin of this so designated prearranged fights away from playing day of state repression that get to feel for a few years, the hooligans in Russia: We agreed as a fight against thirty thirty.The winner is the one who first put down all enemies.

This may sound bizarre, but these hooligans who appear lying on the ground opponent in the head, are as fair sportsmen.Due to the incidents in Marseille I dug notes about a conversation I led 2014 Ukrainian hooligans from Dynamo Kiev.They were all experienced field fighters.Alex, one of them, then said, "One fights with clean hands, that is without weapons.And you fight until the other can no longer move.We are sportsmen.The fights are fair, are counted accurately "Then he asked me incredulously." Is it true that you do not come into your land against the enemies' heads when lying on the ground?That sounds like a homoerotic dance.Because it is very important that you step in the fight your opponent in the head until he no longer stirred.Otherwise he is indeed back on and attacked you, and all the effort was in vain.You join him in the head until he no longer stirred.Then you shake hands.Fair play."

Radical Martial understanding
Alex was not what is meant by an inflated fighting machine.Like his buddy Bohdan * not.The young man at that time was in Kiev as one of the toughest fighters field.He said: "When in the mid-noughties in Russia and Ukraine established the hooligan scene were drugs and alcohol spread.As the scene was becoming more distributed in the forests, the meadows and the fields, a rethink took place.Drunk you on the field no chance.I train five times a week kickboxing "Then we watched a couple of videos of their fights. Bohdan stormed ahead, regardless of their own loss, in the middle of the other inside.His men followed closely in formation.And who was beaten to the ground, which was met.

And that is what has happened in Marseille - you can see it on the Files field-forest-meadow at the Old Port.The Russian hooligans moving in combat formation by the English camp followers.In other words: An extremely organized, battle-hardened thugs worked his way through a pile of unorganized, for days drinking and celebrating Englishman.And who resisted were beaten and kicked until he no longer moved.

But of course that's what has happened this week in Marseille, not "fair play", no agreed brawl among its peers: Who specifically isolated small groups of unorganized Drunk attacks as organized martial arts squad and those who then fight back, so long trampled on the head until they no longer stir, will expect to find in any court extenuating circumstances.

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