Wow... Two years later I return to SkyBluesTalk and this forum really has gone down hill, must admit I have chosen not to post on this forum because SOME posters (with an exception of the few I know personally) are either two-faced to morons or stupid.
On the topic of stupid I would like to address the below poster..
Create atmosphere, with his merry band of Ferel chavs. FFS
If you feel the need to aimlessly bang a drum (out of rhythm)
Join a really bad rock band.
I swear if I hadn't moved at HT , I had a really good hiding place in mind for them sticks .
TBF I was having a bad day though.
Firstly, who the f^*€ are you? You've come up to your first game today and you must feel so proud of yourself now that your famous with your little rant.
"Merry band of chavs" this part of your posts make you look very stupid, whenever I do the drumming I am always wearing City Colours, as do many other fans around me, if there are some fans who choose to wear Lonsdale or Stone Island, that's not my choice.
With respect to the "drum being banged out of rhythm" if it's so bad, why haven't you done anything about it, have you tried to create an atmosphere yourself in practically a library full of people, of course you haven't, you want to criticise others despite being inept and someone who likes to run their mouth.
Finally, if you want to come and hide my drum sticks, then I wish you come up to me and ask to do so instead of hiding on a forum full of keyboard warriors. Despite the belief of many, I do watch the game and would likely find more entertainment in you trying to back up your words on this forum as opposed to watching the rubbish I have had to watch over the last 20 years (in parts).