I originally said I did not know if it was investment or takeover and then I found at more and am led to believe it is a takeover. So Mr Ruffian before you start getting above yourself get your facts rights and remember I have never claimed it to be a fact, just word going around the club that I have now heard from two separate sources the first spoke about investment, the second a takeover. Take what you want from it, I have posted in good faith and do not know if it is true or not, but they have been bang on in the past.
If it does not turn out to be true, yes I know I will look a twat and will be gutted, but hey ho, I'm an honest guy with no agenda and posting in good faith. If you don't like it or believe it thats fine. Personally, I want to believe it, but I have posted nothing but what I have been told, I have added nothing to the info.