Home is Where the Heart Is (7 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
If we were to win every single game for the rest of the season and got promoted would you renew then? Or if we had a significant upturn and finished top half would you renew?
And if we then won the Championship and then the Prem like Leicester would you say thank you to Fisher and Joy?

st john

Well-Known Member
Genuine question for Grendel
Do you think the engaging couple in their 80's who've supported the club for as long as they can remember know the reason we are second from bottom of the 3rd tier, or is it a case that they just go every week


Well-Known Member
i observe a growing unity from certain posters on here with the fringe mentality on the CT site.

Namely, there is a growing view they purchasing season tickets is a way to put money into the owners and to support the owners. We are told we need to be aware of our actions and that by taking the action of purchasing a ticket we are keeping sisu here.

Sadly outside of this bubble there lived a lot more normality towards watching football matches.

This season I sit next to a rather engaging couple in their 80's who've supported the club for as long as they can remember. They are very engaging and very much ccfc fans. Also near to me is a chap who is also in his 80's - looks younger - who gets dropped off and picked up by one of his children every game.

These supporters are going to renew next season - well as one of the couple said "as long as we are not dead"

The other elderly chap says it's his day out.

I've never really engaged in a conversation with them about sisu. They wouldn't, I suspect, be interested. Perhaps next Monday I should tell them there are people who are called "Covfan" "Dongonzalos" and "gosford green" who believe they are wrong to renew and they should think of the long term and at least need to know what they are doing. I suspect they'd think I'd lost my mind and ask if I wasn't feeling well.

The point is most people out of here don't think endlessly about NOPM, the principals and the thought of paying for Joy Seppalla's new handbag. Oddly they just want to spend 90 minutes watching a game of football.

No politics, no ulterior motive, no feeding a hedge fund. Just a continual enjoyment of the simple game.

Something I think some in here should take heed from.
Quaint you taking your parents and your father in law, I bet you get them a hot chocolate at half time?


Well-Known Member
A lot harder to go when your peer group stop going.

Mind you, if/when (i.e. not under these owners ;) but that's because of inept club management rather than principle) we start winning again, sure a lot of us will be back.

It's the endless circle mind, where a small, small minority think they speak for everybody when it comes to NOPM being the reason for people not going, and I thought better of the OP than to give them as much credence as he seems to. The best thing the rest of us, if we go or not, could do is to recognise it's a (very!) small number who are actively boycotting. Of those, I'm pretty sure some of them just use it as an excuse because for some bizarre reason they're too ashamed to admit they'd rather sit around in their pants drinking the latest BrewDog beers while watching Lizard Lick Towing on Dave.
Twisted barrel actually


Well-Known Member
Why have I been mentioned in the OP? I don't think I've ever commented on here (or twitter) about if people should renew their season tickets or not.


Well-Known Member
Bet it's well pissy round there , and not the olds either
You have to feel sorry for them don't you, they're in their 80s and the only Thing
left is the Sky Blues, they've followed them all their lives thru thick 'n' thin.
And now the highlight of their week is watching CCFC playing awful football in
a Nearly empty stadium, they will never own. And as if that were not enough,
the cruelest Blow of all, they have to sit next to Grendel.;)


Well-Known Member
All I'm saying is there wasn't much sisu out going on when we were top
And now they have broken the promises made about using 60% of income and transfer fees received we should ignore that fact and continue to go in large numbers knowing that they are about to sell our training ground and give us the worse football and be at the bottom of Division 3 which is lower than most of us have ever known because for half a season we did well in Division 3?


Well-Known Member
And now they have broken the promises made about using 60% of income and transfer fees received we should ignore that fact and continue to go in large numbers knowing that they are about to sell our training ground and give us the worse football and be at the bottom of Division 3 which is lower than most of us have ever known because for half a season we did well in Division 3?

I agree with you, all I asked is would it be different if we returned to the top


Well-Known Member
Why have I been mentioned in the OP? I don't think I've ever commented on here (or twitter) about if people should renew their season tickets or not.
Just ignore him. He seems to think that his job is to wind people up who refuse to blame anyone but SISU for what is happening to our club.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you, all I asked is would it be different if we returned to the top
Of course it would be. It would mean that we would be winning games and not losing to just about every club we play. A lot of the doom and gloom would be lifted. We would have something to look forward to other than Fisher's deluded rants.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn’t refuse to buy tickets as a way of trying to get rid of SISU, because I agree with Grendel (and others) that it is not going to work, and harms the football club.

However, I go less and less often, simply because it’s not a good way to spend an afternoon or an evening. I know young people who used to follow the team obsessively, but have completely lost the desire, and who can blame them? The posts on this thread by Otis and Senior Vic say it all, it’s bloody heartbreaking.

For me personally, the deal that makes me loyal to CCFC has been broken. The football club does everything it can to compete and try and win things, to entertain me, to inspire me with its plans for the team, and as a supporter I keep the faith and follow them through thick and thin. The current Chairman is actually promising not to fulfill the club’s half of the bargain, by slavishly implementing what he himself calls a “terrible model”. What an inspiration that man is. It’s a self-inflicted downward spiral on the club’s part, and it’s tragic that all we can do as fans is watch it happen. I hope 2017 brings us all something we can cheer.


Well-Known Member
This forlorn thread reminds me of that image of Canute sitting on his throne telling his courtiers:
"Cov fans will keep coming. It doesn't matter what we do, move the club, alienate everybody, field a team of apprentices, talk bullshit, lie compulsively, etc. but they'll still roll up like waves on the foreshore..."


Well-Known Member
I've come back from the pub, and similarly with Sky Blue Dan and his stoned perspective, it is easy to read through some of this and struggle to stop wetting yourself with laughter.

On reflection though, it's a really sad sign of how we've fallen. People are at each others necks because there is nowhere else to go. The common enemy is Sisu, but we can't see them, they're hidden to us, and we've all turned on each other.

Originally I mentioned filling the stadium for one game would be a potentially good idea, and this has been echoed by Otis and Nick tonight who have put their points across well. However, the sad thing is, pack the stadium or desert the stadium, turn up, or boycott. It doesn't seem like there is a correct solution that'll solve this.

We are in for an even shitter ride, and unlike a lot of clubs (relegation happens too), I feel our fate is terminal. Especially following Fisher's comments recently, it's like we're trapped and there's no way out. It's going to get worse from here :(.

From this I'd say the plug is either pulled, or something radical attempted. That Sheffield United protest filled me with a bit of fight, so maybe that's the right way to go?


Well-Known Member
The point of this thread was to try and point out some people actually will continue to support the team as they actually want to. That's it.

Some of the responses are bordering on the deranged.
Nothing wrong with that I have always been a little deranged:)
Must be to still go up the City;)


Well-Known Member
Say no more.
I have many friends that went to sixfields never agreed but it was their choice.
Some sre now realising that we are totally being fucked over by Sisu, and want no more of it after all they showed more faith in our owners then anyone else did.

I have never had any faith in these wankers so will just carry on for one more season, if then it doesn't improve then I too will be off.
If we are religated the minimum we should accept is a play off place.

Probably one of the most reasonable, tolerant and understanding posts on SBT ever :)


Well-Known Member
People buying season tickets next season are being named and shamed on this forum
The same as the ones that are named and shamed for not buying? :banghead:

He's repeatedly named me for year's as someone who doesn't have a season ticket to validate his "facts" over my opinion. His hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Your reply Grendel? or did you miss this post when you replied later?

What you are actually doing gren is making assumptions on fans motives for not going dont put words in to others mouths. I have not had a season ticket ever, it was down to affordability in the late seventys and early 80s. Since then my job means i work Saturdays so can only go mid week. My father has been a regular season ticket holder and has been going since the 50s, both with his dad and me and now his grandsons. My kids, who are both the age that the club should be trying to attract, no longer go as they say that its crap, they do occasionaly watch the blaze and have been to wasps games which they enjoy because their is a good atmosphere and decent action. My father has decided not to renew next year, partly because his grand kids dont go anymore but the majority of the decision was made recently. Tim made his mind up for him at the age of 70, his blatent lies and threats have made him look at what he values and requires from his club, we are more removed now from the jimmy hill revolution and ethics than we have ever been. Its the only way he can make his voice heard, attending games is the most frustrating experience for people having their passion and patience tested by our clueless owners and twat of a chairman.
You can carry on buying season tickets as can the good folks that sit around you, if anything i admire your half glass full attitude. The club however is being ran into the ground by fuck wits with out a plan or a clue, they are treating you with disdain even though you are a stakeholder, as its your hard earned money they need. But its your choice to go, so when you dont have a ground to go to the season after next when we kick off the new Conferance season i am sure you can sit on Tims lap on pitch 3 at the Memorial park and discuss his plans for owning our own ground and being cash neutral.

Did you miss this one too? here to help :)

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
To turn this thread into some kind of positive direction, I have an idea for fellow fans and I would be totally onboard with it myself.
Why don't we all allocate one game where we all go. Where we all turn up. Try and fill the Ricoh as best we can for one single game. Make a statement that the support IS there. Show that there is a way back.
We know the potential support is there, so do SISU, so does Tim Fisher. This idea has been banded about before. How on earth are you going to persuade another 10,000 plus to go to a game as a one off and to prove what exactly ?


Well-Known Member
The point of this thread was to try and point out some people actually will continue to support the team as they actually want to. That's it.

Great. Thanks for that. What's your next thread going to be about?
People don't go if they don't want to.
People eat when they are hungry.
People get into a car when they want to go somewhere.

Your posts are becoming more and more insightful all the time. Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
We know the potential support is there, so do SISU, so does Tim Fisher. This idea has been banded about before. How on earth are you going to persuade another 10,000 plus to go to a game as a one off and to prove what exactly ?

The Gillingham and Crewe games already showed the potential support is there. There's no way we can fill the Ricoh under present conditions so we may as well bin that idea.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The Gillingham and Crewe games already showed the potential support is there. There's no way we can fill the Ricoh under present conditions so we may as well bin that idea.
Not really.

How about going for the last game of the season? We could celebrate relegation :shifty: Would certainly hit the headlines. 'Football club has ground full for the last game of the season after spending most of the season not having enough to fill one stand' Or 'Relegated CCFC supporters fill their ground and demonstrate all the way through the last game of the season. Chairman Fisher says that they are all banned after doing a pitch invasion after the game'


Well-Known Member
The Gillingham and Crewe games already showed the potential support is there. There's no way we can fill the Ricoh under present conditions so we may as well bin that idea.

I don't think they're a reliable yardstick. Attendance dropped 16K for the game after Gillingham.


Well-Known Member
dont really understand the point though grendel

my facebook is full of people who i know for a fact had season tickets and now are firmly in NOPM camp.

they believe that putting money into club is just prolonging sisu stay

as i said in another thread i can understand both points of view and with no light at end of tunnell currently looks like we are down to relying on 80 year old fans. not ideal


Well-Known Member
What potential? One off games mean very little, even less so when the tickets are a fiver a pop.

Tend to agree with this. Any potential new owner worth their salt will be looking at consistency to gauge potential but that's still quite impressive. Look at how the crowds were building last season when we had some hope, look at our average gates in the championship when we had some hope. I can't believe that any potential new owners can't see the what's possible with the fan base so long as they can deliver some hope. There's no reason to think that we couldn't fill the Ricoh week in week out should we ever return to the premier league or maybe even with a serious bid for automatic promotion from the championship to the premier league. Hell, I'd be willing to bet that even in this league under new owners if we were top two after Xmas and looking like we'd remain their we'd piss 20+ K every home game. Showing a potential fan base isn't an issue. The issue is getting owners who can nurture that potential.


Well-Known Member
People who still go to matches out of habit will defend such a habit aggressively, I find; it's not anything to with awareness of the club's climate, the detritus it's in, or the oblivion it's heading for - it's simply a habit, almost muscle memory, a form of repetitive comfort (yeah I know, I said COMFORT, huge lolz and roflz).

Fair enough, to whoever gleans a semblance of enjoyment from attending matches at a stadium we don't own, watching a frail, wafer-thin team lose 7 matches on the bounce and be ensconced 2nd bottom in the table, and completely ignoring the parasitic owners fire-saleing everything from the fine china, to players, to the fucking training ground.

I, however, cannot. I don't ascribe to NOPM. I much prefer to see the entire CCFC picture as one that does not deserve financing because: A. The club is pretty much fucked, in every sense and B. We are financing the prolonging of SISU's stranglehold.

Die with dignity, or die in a puddle of piss and shit, with no organs left and having been battered horribly, for 7 years. CCFC is dead without a takeover. L2? We'll be lucky to get to play in L-fucking-2 at this rate...

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
28k saying to any future owners this is what's waiting if you show you care for the club.

If I was a potential owner, and not wearing sky blue glasses, I'd be more concerned about the passive nature of the fans towards a franchise rugby club moving into their city. Also, as a club we are not renowned for bringing in crowds of 28k.

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