Nope, and the EU is doing its level best to stop Britain from leaving too. It remains to be seen whether they're successful in that or not.
Merkel has said we must accept the decision. Tusk has said we can reapply if we want to at a later date.
Schäuble has said don't punish Britain.
Doesn't sound like we are going to be forced to stay.
The EU is not happy with the decision. Nor are many Brits.
But, if we don't leave, it will not be because of the EU forcing us not to, it will be because the leavers are exposed or realisation sinks in.
At the moment it looks as if we are coming out and grovelling to people like the Saudis and Trump.
Over 70 years of peace and prosperity through cooperation to be replaced with joining Trump's plan of a world order of aggressive nation states competing economically.
It can only lead to more protectionismus and then conflict.
Hitler said the same thing in Mein Kampf. His solution was to have the strongest army in Europe and to obtain peace through strength. Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace prize for his policy of peace through strength.
The theme of the Nazi party's 1939 Parteitage was to be "Peace". Unfortunately the war stopped that.
The bullshit is back on the world stage.
As the "Alt right" leader said recently "hail Trump" "hail our people". The mouthpiece of the Alt Right is Breitbart who Steve Bannon made his career with and who with Trump, hates the EU.
It seems that you have fallen for right wing rhetoric.