I'm not saying SISU are offering a great product and thanking them for it or anything like that. I am just saying that he's offering nowhere near enough to what the assets are worth, therefore SISU wouldn't even entertain it. I'd love for them to hand it over for £0 and wipe out all of the debt but I'm just being realistic.
In terms of now it really depends if he does a deal including Ryton or not, I'd personally still sell it and put that money towards something I said about the community and fan fund the rest.
For the stadium the first thing I would do is speak to actual developers and planners to see how much it was going to cost, speak to potential investors who would want to back it, think outside the box of ways to fund it. Once I had a good idea I'd use that idea to work out what I'd go to Wasps with and play hardball.
Again, I wouldn't be SISU and I'd have arse licked every local business, every school and every fan until they didn't need to buy bog roll. If they wanted to fuck about with CCFC then everybody would know about it

They wouldn't be able to act the dick and just blame SISU then, I'd make sure there was the most outrage against them as physically possible and that bags of coke and rent boys would be found in a hotel room belonging to their directors.