To be fair, not every manager gets a honeymoon period.
Look it's all unprovable opinions here. You say we can't do worse than bottom I say we could be 20 points adrift and losing every game 7-0, while playing awful football.
You have to make the case for a change that would cost a broke club significant cash.
So I'll ask again: who would come here an do a better job on the same or less than Thorn?
Let's deal with facts here. We are a poor team under
this manager. Any suggestion that
no-one could do any better is pure conjecture.
Besides, people keep saying we are not that bad (we're unlucky, haven't been thrashed by anyone, keep losing by the odd goal). Does that not point to us not being
that poor?
Answer to that is yes. It has to be yes. Opposition managers are saying we play good football and give them a good game we only lose by the odd goal. We are not getting trounced and are in matches for long periods of the 90 minutes.
We are doing something wrong though away from home in my opinion. 6 goals in 13 games averages out at less than one goal scored every two games, where as at home we have scored 14 goals in 13 games, at an average of just over 1 goal per game.
Don't go to away games so can only look at the stats and the stats say that not only do we not score enough away goals, we also don't create enough chances on our travels.
There is something in the way we set out our stall and tactics away from home as opposed to home that isn't working. In the last 8 away games we have only scored 3 goals. Herein lies the problem. Doesn't matter how pretty the football is, 3 goals in 8 games is only going to result in defeat after defeat after defeat.
We know all the constraints, we know all about the thinness of the squad, we know all about about the kids we have to field, but for all the possession we have we don't create enough chances and that very much points to the tactics. Too slow in our build-up play, not enough moving into space, not enough support to the strikers.
People can bang on all night long that no-one could do any better, but it is all pure guesswork. Thorn plays the game his way and we have no idea whatsoever how any other manager would set out our stall and what tactics he would deploy and whether they would work or not.
Facts say the diamond formation isn't working for us. We keep getting beat. Whether we would get beaten by more goals playing any other way is once again ..... conjecture.
This is isn't about being pro-Thorn or anti Thorn, this is about the facts.
Facts say we don't score enough goals and facts say that we don't score enough goals under this formation. And facts say we don't score nearly enough away from the Ricoh on our travels.
I really for the life of me can't understand how anyone can come out and say no-one could do any better. It is all pure guesswork. New managers bring new ideas and new ways of playing the game and a can also bring in a renewed spirit.
If people wish to back Thorn then that is fine, but no-one has a crystal ball or can say with any authority whatsoever that no-one could do any better.
I am forever reflecting back to the McAllister days, when exactly the same things were being said. Too predictable, too much passing around in pretty little triangles with no end product, players not good enough, team on a downward spiral, not enough goals in the team, bunch of no-hopers.
McAllister went and a certain manager took the team of no-hopers and had us playing in a completely different way. More pace, more direct and we suddenly started scoring goals.
Not trying to compare, just trying to point out we only see what we can see before us and we don't have the vision to see if or how things could be different under anyone else.
Until Thorn goes and someone else comes in
none of us have any idea if things could be better or not. And that my friends,
is a fact.