Why is it a lose lose as you say?
Wrong. I am making the point the single market is very good for certain people and their desire to stay in it is for obvious reasons. I'm talking about big business and big policticans who do very well out the single market. unfortunately for small business and people trying to make a way in the world like me as a small business owner and create competition they simply can't compete with all the rules and regs of the single market and therefore can't compete so whilst the big multinationals have to do all this also they can actually afford it and do it meaning their competition is squeezed out. Suits them. De regulating means more people and more small businesses can compete and actually create competition on items such as electrical goods, domestic products and services.
I am a small business owner and sell British products- amongst others - so this could negatively effect me if red tape at the borders and punitive tariffs come in.
You are just hoping that you can keep competitors away from your business ( it seems), but if we go holding hands with Trump, as Farage wants/ suggests, you will find yourself steamrollered by US multinationals. In the EU at least we had a say.
The economic downturn is just starting... house prices falling, unemployment going up, inflation going up, real wages being eroded, people reducing wage increases and investment... I think a lot of people are going to be losing out - just by the uncertainty, with no idea when the so-called benefits will filter through.
A promise written on a red bus was obviously bullshit and not a serious pledge. I think people are beginning to realize that they've been conned.