This country and its subjects used to be the proud owners of an array of industry's And services
That provided invaluable funds to the treasury as well as mass employment, collectively it was
Known as the "family silver". Thatcher and her hateful regime thought it would be a good idea
To sell it all off enabling them to give vote winning tax cuts, and at the same time giving people
Of there own elitist ilk the opportunity to make millions.
At the same time they waged a resentful war on the very people that made this country great,
The working classes, leaving huge swathes of our once great cities in terminal decline. They
Thought it a good idea to import subsidised coal from Germany, because it was cheaper than
Having our own mining industry dig it for us, they had ships built abroad because it was a bit
Cheaper (again subsidised) rather than have our own historic and world renowned ship yards
Build them.
While other countries were investing in and where necessary subsidising there industries, we
We're systematically killing ours, the human cost and monetary cost to our economy has been
Catastrophic. The one industry that did receive subsidies from the nasty party was farming :emoji_thinking:
Hmm ! I wonder why.
Fortunately for them, the media and press in this country is almost entirely owned by billionaire
Right wing moguls, who are quite adapt at putting a very biased slant on things. You have to
Admire the way the best selling paper in this country deliberately dumbs down and fills its pages
with celebrities, tits, football, TV, cartoons and of course "right wing propaganda"
The odious Kelvin Mckennzie proclaimed after an election a few years back
"It was the Sun wot won it"
On this particular occasion, he wasn't telling lies.