On about borders because we have a big enough problem here. The last thing we want to do is import more of it, and we already are. How is that helping? It is making it 1000% worse.
Religion should be put in its place. However, if you stop the UK being a Christian country, which religion will then step forward and try and claim it for their own? Like it or not, historically this has always been a Christian country and I don't see the harm in it still being that way. In fact, it should be. If 6% of the population were Christians and they were responsible for 99% of terrorism offences you might have more of a point I think, although I can see where you are coming from overall.
We are not importing more though. We are growing our own.
My problem is that Christianity is also an Abrahamic religion and by accepting such a religion, and even having our head of state as head of a church, we are in fact similar to 'them'. They want a religious leader as head of their state.
I would not allow any religion to come forward. Tax them all. Close all single faith schools. Prosecute their 'faithful' who try and spread their hatred and bigotry. All haters and bigots - the "Christian Right" up there with radical Islam. No space for any hate preachers.