clint van damme
Well-Known Member
That site is an official government website.
What is pathetic is people constantly coming out with lies to make it look like they have evidence to cover their story. It is pathetic that a few of you have accused me of things that are obviously not true. It is pathetic that you blame anything you can for the millions of homeless we now have.
it isn't an official government website but let's not get bogged down in that.
You believe immigration causes certain issues, I don't think it's as problematic as you do but I won't deny there are associated issues. I also believe there are associated benefits which you won't seem to acknowledge.
If we kick out all EU migrants tomorrow there would be a negative affect on the service industries, manufacturing - how would you suggest counter acting those negative affects?
Look at the example in kingokings post 5705, what do you think will happen to the cost of food if we have to start employing UK nationals to do this work and pay them a living wage and associated benefits? What will happen when costs go up? To be honest, I'd gladly pay more for this to happen but a lot of people will be up in arms.
If we kick out EU migrants it won't stop immigration from the rest of the world. India have already said they aren't interested in a trade deal with the UK unless they relax criteria for immigration into the UK for Indian citizens. Would you tell them no deal? And if we give into their demands in order to secure a deal can you imagine the reaction from certain quarters of the brexit support (not referring to anyone on here), if we swap white immigrants for brown one?!
I acknowledge that mass immigration can't go on forever, we are an island with a finite amount of space and resources but just kicking immigrants out in isolation without being part of a wider strategy isn't going to solve our woes. I still think the wealth grab and the defunding of public services that go with it are a much bigger danger to this country than immigration from the EU.