London Stadium report finds that
@SpursOfficial proposal to knock stadium down & build new one was actually quite sensible and same cost, £323m, as botched conversion we have now.
Amazing: Boris Johnson scrapped original £25k post-Olympics solution because it would need public ££; then spent vast public money taking ownership & converting it for West Ham.
Report finds Boris Johnson gave stadium to West Ham, £323m conversion cost, and took all the expense & risk off PL club, onto public sector.
West Ham were in pole position; Boris Johnson should have used "no deal" as a negotiating stance but didn't. On Brexit, "no deal" is a disaster for the UK but he's using it. (That's our country, right there ...)
Deal done by Boris Johnson: "All risks & ongoing costs (capital & operating) were to be borne by the public sector." Unbelievable, really.
"Fact West Ham would not bear stadium operating costs should have led to substantially increased rent but no such increase was obtained."
Boris Johnson deal cost £323m, West Ham rent doesn't cover operating costs, £10-£20m losses per year. (Moved on to lead us to Brexit...)
1st West Ham bid proposed keeping the track. 2nd bid, no competition, asked for retractable seats & roof expanded; Boris Johnson agreed, cost £323m.
Boris Johnson's £323m post-Olympics conversion for West Ham: Public money spent on it: £291.5m. West Ham money spent: £15m.
Spurs bid to demolish & build new stadium cost £323m, £35m public money. Boris Johnson conversion for West Ham cost £323m, £291.5m public money.