Your source:
Fria Tider beskriver sig som
frihetligt konservativ och uppger att man hämtar inspiration från
paleokonservatism och
paleolibertarianism. Tidningen klassificeras i en rapport utgiven av
Statens medieråd som "en del av den radikala
högerpopulistiska nätmiljön" och anses ha ett uppenbart
främlingsfientligt och
Openly racist, anti foreigner, islamiphobic, highly populist... etc etc
Did you check this story with other Swedish publications? Or did you get it via Breibart without questioning it
This is a National Socialist organisation which views democracy with extreme scepticism.
1. Gang rape is real.
2. The definition of rape in Sweden covers much more than what we call rape.
3. this is published by a National Socialist anti democratic organisation and is probably bullshit.
4. Earlsdon_Skyblue 1 is quoting reports from supporters of Adolf Hitler. So, yes he is going into the darkest territory.