Well yes it does. Not all leavers are ill informed racists. Some obviously are. Not all remainers were well informed. But, as he says, we would be economically better off remaining. The sovereignty we have regained is not that much as we controlled all major decisions anyway. We went to war. We could have sent EU citizens back after 3 months if they couldn’t support themselves. We could have controlled non EU migration, as an island we had border controls. We have our own currency. And so on and so on. Any trade deals we sign in the future will have give and take aspects which take some form of sovereignty from us. It was never about most of the people who voted leave. It was about dodgy nationalists such as Farage, dodgy tax evaders such as Ashcroft and various hedge fund owners and managers. At the end they ( a large portion of leave voters ) will have won some sovereignty, but be economically worse off at least in the short term ( as is now being admitted by leading leavers).
Now it’s all about the Tory party and we have no clear alternative.
So chaps, was it all worth it?