Me stupid? Yeah OK.
Where do I start? You think evidence is something put on Twatter by someone with an agenda.
You say that I have nothing good to say about the EU. Correct. I have nothing good to say about any of the crap to do with Brexit. But strangely enough you only notice the EU part. I have a go at anyone when you know they are guilty of something. Hearsay doesn't count. You have a go at anyone who doesn't defend the EU or who dares to have a go at them. Does that make you feel superior?
Or would you like to point out where I have said something good about someone who is pro Brexit?
No you can't. Because I haven't. The problem is that you are so biased you can't see the truth. You just want what is good for the EU to be the truth and whatever is bad for those who support Brexit to be true.
And your outrage about the British Selmayr style appointment of the UK. Head civil servant? May‘s loyal lieutenant...! The old head of Whitehall reported in as permanently sick. May appointed the replacement, her loyal lieutenant, without discussion, vote, college or consulting anyone, on the basis of „urgency because of Brexit“.
Exactly the same reason as Juncker recommending and backing his loyal lieutenant. Selmayr was appointed by a college of 3. Juncker referred to „urgency because of Brexit“ to use a clause in EU regulations to bypass the normal procedure.
You were in outrage for weeks. You said the EU was corrupt, didn’t hold to any rules, used the „good that we are leaving“ crap expression,and claimed that such moves were the reason that you are no longer a remainer. Although the EU held two inquiries, including one by the ombudsman, and there was outrage in the EU parliament. Apart from Corbyn criticizing the move, not much was said about May’s coup. No stories in the Brexit press and no „monster of Whitehall“ type nickname. You haven‘t said a word. How neutral of you.