The one subject that is bigger than any other has come onto the biggest thread ever
Did anything ever happen in Bethlehem Jerusalem?
If I start a rumour off at work it is always interesting to hear what is said a couple of days later. I wonder what this rumour would sound like a couple of thousand years later.
Egypt has some astounding architecture for its day. They had enough gold to keep burying it. They are like the rich neighbour who has everything. Bethlehem and Jerusalem are just up the road. Was it started off by jealous neighbours who were skint and living in shacks?
There is more of a chance of the world being a simulated game.
Is our world a simulation? Why some scientists say it's more likely than not
We might live in a computer program, but it may not matter
God and Jesus could be real and a part of the unreality that we could all be a part of. They could have been added to show where we are to think we came from. But who are we to get our heads around this when the most intelligent minds have been trying for hundreds of years.
It doesn't matter what you do or don't believe in. Nobody has the right to call anyone for what they believe in no matter how far fetched it seems to them. Until something is proven beyond doubt there is still a possibility. Even the best minds on our planet can't agree on anything.
If you believe in a God fair play to you. And fair play to you if you think we are a part of a simulation. We are close to making it a reality ourselves. As long as your thoughts or actions don't harm anyone you should be allowed them without interference.