I reckon Boddy and Eastwood already got together on Tuesday evening to thrash a deal out and now they're in the middle of a 72 hour bender. Boddy's on the cider with vodka bombs and taking MDMA while Eastwood is sniffing coke from Boddy's cleavage and drinking Guiness shandy, Guinness topped with a Baileys. They'll both end up getting so fucked up that they'll lose the contract and the announcement will be delayed until next week because they'll be searching everywhere and blaming the strippers for stealing it, while not 100% sure whether it even got produced or whether it was just a hallucination. Boddy is gonna find it in the pocket of his CCFC jacket on Sunday, still rolled up into the tube that he used to stick the hamster in Eastwood's arse. Eastwood will find it awkward to explain why he hadn't realised he was still wearing Sky Blue Sam's elephant head when he arrives to the next Wasps game.