Support the club! (2 Viewers)


New Member
There is alot of talk, that ppl wont come to Ricoh because of SISU. Even if SISU is here, why not just support the team? I just got my seasonticket, thats my help for the club we love. i cant go to many games, but all help is needed.



Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Sorry Johnrambo/Kasper, My way of showing support will be the same as last season as long as SISU are in charge, and that will be at away games only. I've stated before, I will not line SISUs' pockets any more.
Sorry for being sceptical, but i believe the vast majority of the 'I'm not giving any money to SISU' brigade choose not to go to home games beacuse of reasons such as laziness, finance, poor performances, no atmosphere, unavailability or no real method of getting there. But rather than admit to any of the above for fear of being called a bad supporter, they justify this with a 'money to SISU' claim. Not everyone, but i bet a large chunk.


New Member
Im not calling traitor, bad supporter, i just saying we have to support the team we got, even if we suck. But just my view...


New Member
There is ofc 2 sides of this case, i dó understand ppl wont come, when SISU is there. I would just be there anyways because i dont think staying away will help.


Super Moderator
There is alot of talk, that ppl wont come to Ricoh because of SISU. Even if SISU is here, why not just support the team? I just got my seasonticket, thats my help for the club we love. i cant go to many games, but all help is needed.



I'll use your season ticket :)

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Sorry for being sceptical, but i believe the vast majority of the 'I'm not giving any money to SISU' brigade choose not to go to home games beacuse of reasons such as laziness, finance, poor performances, no atmosphere, unavailability or no real method of getting there. But rather than admit to any of the above for fear of being called a bad supporter, they justify this with a 'money to SISU' claim. Not everyone, but i bet a large chunk.

You are entitled to your opinion of course, but supporters such as myself have supported CCFC through thick and thin for 50+ years.
We have paid thousands upon thousands of pounds for season tickets,travel to away games,entrance to away games,half time pies and tea,etc,etc.....I think you see what I mean.
So I think your "Belief that the vast majority" jibe is uncalled for mate. Try trusting what people say. A hell of a lot of people are totally disillusioned with SISU, who from day one have done almost Sweet FA, for CCFC. and have shown nothing to warrant any support at all!


Super Moderator
Sorry Johnrambo/Kasper, My way of showing support will be the same as last season as long as SISU are in charge, and that will be at away games only. I've stated before, I will not line SISUs' pockets any more.

Will you come back if SISU are still in charge and we are top of the league at Christmas?


New Member
There is alot of talk, that ppl wont come to Ricoh because of SISU. Even if SISU is here, why not just support the team? I just got my seasonticket, thats my help for the club we love. i cant go to many games, but all help is needed.



And how is your money going to help the club this season. They have already used this seasons season ticket money so how are you helping the club? No money that is paid by fans this year is just paying shitsu back

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Will you come back if SISU are still in charge and we are top of the league at Christmas?

NO!....I'm a man of principle, who doesn't trust SISU as far as I could throw them. I pay out MORE travelling to away games only, than what it would cost for a season ticket at home games.
You are entitled to your opinion of course, but supporters such as myself have supported CCFC through thick and thin for 50+ years.
We have paid thousands upon thousands of pounds for season tickets,travel to away games,entrance to away games,half time pies and tea,etc,etc.....I think you see what I mean.
So I think your "Belief that the vast majority" jibe is uncalled for mate. Try trusting what people say. A hell of a lot of people are totally disillusioned with SISU, who from day one have done almost Sweet FA, for CCFC. and have shown nothing to warrant any support at all!

I was careful not to use direct language as to include everyone in my accusation. You may well have justified reasons for not going to home games, but I can only speak from what I have seen myself. I know people who in the past I've asked to come to the games and have given excuses such as "can't be bothered" or "Nah it's rubbish". Whereas lately their excuses change to "Well I'm not giving SISU any of my money". It's the same with recurring callers on the radio that become recogniseable who never went to games in the first place, that now use this excuse. A lot of people are using this as an excuse when it isn't the real reason they don't come. Obviously you are not one of them :p


Well-Known Member
does anybody know how much money was secured against this seasons season tickets? also does it meen we have to pay that off with any money taken this year before anything can be invested in the club ?

Big Mo

New Member
I didn't get a season ticket last year cos I knew it would be fucking miserable, this was partly due to ownership but mainly cos I knew I wouldn't enjoy it. Next season I will get one cos regardless of sisu I think we'll win more games and it will be more entertaining. As much as everyone claims to be ardent city fans we pick and choose how to spend our time and money and make excuses for not turning up. Fair play to those who are there at every game year in year out, to everyone else it would good if you were just honest enough to say you don't want to be there.


Well-Known Member
It's simple. Most are staying away due to poor performance/lack of enjoyment, with the bye product being that they save money. As time goes on, they no longer budget to go to the matches, so can no longer afford it, plus the family time gained is an added bonus. The underlying reason for the poor performance is SISU's failure to stick to a plan and the lack of investment in the team.

It will take a sustained run, far more substantial than being at the top of League 1 at Christmas, for the vast majority of these lost supporters to return. I should know, I'm one of them !


Super Moderator
NO!....I'm a man of principle, who doesn't trust SISU as far as I could throw them. I pay out MORE travelling to away games only, than what it would cost for a season ticket at home games.

In which case, despite not agreeing with the course of action, I do respect your stance.


Super Moderator
I think there are many reasons not to go. Mine is down purely to living away from Coventry. Whenever I'm back I try to make the effort to go. I've not seen us lose in a long time if anyone fancies paying my travel and buying me a season ticket :)

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
@ Big Mo.....Fair play to those who are there at every game year in year out, to everyone else it would good if you were just honest enough to say you don't want to be there.

As I said in my last post....I went to away games only last season on principal, and will only go to away games THIS coming season.
In answer to your statement....I HAVE been honest when I said I won't go to the Ricoh until SISU "Do one", and it's got nowt to do with playing crap football.


New Member
And how is your money going to help the club this season. They have already used this seasons season ticket money so how are you helping the club? No money that is paid by fans this year is just paying shitsu back

I dont know really, my hope is that it does. I cant be at the homegames, i live in Denmark. But i want to do something, and not just think SISU is there so i wont do anything.


Super Moderator
I dont know really, my hope is that it does. I cant be at the homegames, i live in Denmark. But i want to do something, and not just think SISU is there so i wont do anything.

The money will go into the clubs accounts. SISU will still be owed that money regardless of if it is paid now or in the future after they leave. The money is only invested as a loan.


Well-Known Member
I think there are many reasons not to go. Mine is down purely to living away from Coventry. Whenever I'm back I try to make the effort to go. I've not seen us lose in a long time if anyone fancies paying my travel and buying me a season ticket :)

Will give you a shout next season when I am up your end at a weekend. We can go to a game in my Covmobile :D Prefer away games though :eek:

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
After speaking to (Believe it or not) a Wolves fan, not long after SISU taking charge, everything started to come true in the words he spoke. He said although they had saved us from administration(Being a Hedge fund) they would "Asset strip" our club. It took about one week to realise this, as things got progressively worse. The sacking of Dowie, the selling of Fox and Dann. I have said on other forums that SISU would strangle our club out of existence(Well over four years ago now) They have done nothing to disprove the "Wolves fan" and my words.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, the sacking of Dowie. The one good news story of the last five years.


Well-Known Member
Ranson apparently got Fox and Dann.
You are entitled to your opinion of course, but supporters such as myself have supported CCFC through thick and thin for 50+ years.
We have paid thousands upon thousands of pounds for season tickets,travel to away games,entrance to away games,half time pies and tea,etc,etc.....I think you see what I mean.
So I think your "Belief that the vast majority" jibe is uncalled for mate. Try trusting what people say. A hell of a lot of people are totally disillusioned with SISU, who from day one have done almost Sweet FA, for CCFC. and have shown nothing to warrant any support at all!

Yep - and supporters such as myself have supported the club through thick and thin - and will continue to do so, home and away.

Your choice - and that must be respected.

I just get fed up having rammed down my throat that I am a traitor for buying a ticket and supporting my club. I am not saying you have said that but you will have seen the posts and it really rubs many of us up the wrong way.

CCFC til I die

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Absolutely respect your stance, and I've never said that anyone should not go to the Ricoh. I HAVE said that "I WILL NOT" I would never call any supporter a traitor for attending the Ricoh, unlike a poster who HAS called supporters who DON'T go to the Ricoh traitors. I choose to go to away games to show my support for the "City", and will carry on doing so, till SISU are gone!:blue:


Well-Known Member
Absolutely respect your stance, and I've never said that anyone should not go to the Ricoh. I HAVE said that "I WILL NOT" I would never call any supporter a traitor for attending the Ricoh, unlike a poster who HAS called supporters who DON'T go to the Ricoh traitors. I choose to go to away games to show my support for the "City", and will carry on doing so, till SISU are gone!:blue:

This is one of the reasons why we have such a good away following.

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