Advantages of being on an island! Oh wait...
How reliant is the local economy on tourism? Hopefully they don't let people in too soon.
Very heavily mate, the north (Las Palmas) is like London, all the office jobs etc.. down in the South it's almost all tourism. Without it we are f@#+%d.
It's why people are prepared to gamble with tourism, with tourists we can slowly build again and where i am they have spent millions on new centres etc.. without tourism, well we are doomed i tell you doomed lol.
So many people have everything tied up here and if no tourists we all lose the lot, the Canarians will be ok as they own everything but the Brits and Irish won't have anything as we mostly all rent from Canarians.
They have been very clever unlike the UK, they don't sell, they rent out and make sure they keep hold of the countries assets. If it goes pop now, we lose everything but they still own the lot so in 2, 3 or how many years it takes to recover they will get all the money again.