So, despite 711 written objections, a 3000 signature petition, 81% of people questioned in a ballot, all of the local Parish Councils, the Medical Centre, the local High School, SDC's own Core strategies, Sport England, England Hockey, Uncle Tom Cobley and all, being opposed to the absurd notion of a franchise Rugby team from London taking over a viable rural Sports Centre, the case officer has recommended that the application be passed at the planning meeting on October 21st, subject to a farcical payment to, wait for it - help towards some sporting facilities in the exact area that they have just deprived! You really couldn't make it up!
The justification for this approval are amongst other things: " I am satisfied that sufficient evidence has been provided to indicate that there is no realistic prospect of the facility continuing for commercial and/or operational reasons on that site", absolute nonsense, as they are well aware, we have proof of funds to help keep it open for the local community, but have not once been contacted regarding this!
"Local concerns at the loss of Henley Sports College are understandable, however, I cannot see any evidence to suggest the former use can continue and I am satisfied that the development would be in accordance with 2 of the criteria for CS.25 when the policy requirement would only be for compliance with one criteria. Furthermore, the involvement of the WASPs Community Development Team will help to promote healthy, inclusive communities in the spirit of the CS.25 and therefore should be supported". I'm lost for words!
A much heralded community use order which caters for: Archery, Gaelic Football, Rugby League, Rugby Union and Lacrosse, and that's it, are you joking? I would suggest they put plans in for a traffic island outside the entrance to cope with the demand. According to the officer this makes up for the loss of Football, Hockey, a Gym, Basketball, Karate, Netball, Flyball, Pilates, Weightlifting, Cricket, Trampolining and many more popular sports.
The whole report could have been lifted directly from Wasps ridiculously inaccurate application, and it is a huge disappointment that the officer has seemingly ignored the basic facts, as well as the local feeling and certainly any sense of morality. That doesn't matter though, as it is not her who will have to tell her children that they can no longer play sport in Henley. There are many, many people involved in this whole debacle who should hang their heads in shame.
Based on the fact that there are a fair amount of shall we say coincidental circumstances surrounding this sale, we are in contact with the national media. If anyone has any contacts regarding this, either national or local, please pm me asap.
In the meantime, we will keep on fighting and hope that either the remaining planning committee see sense, Sport England come to our rescue, or our District Councillor who is on the planning committee for this application, has the chance to convince his Council colleagues of what is best for his constituents, oh wait a minute!
Taken from the Henley alliance page.