Are you trying to make out I am happy about Brexit?
Just spotted this.
Sorry but this is ridiculous. You constantly avoid any challenge to your ideas by picking up on tiny perceived slights instead of addressing the evidence put in front of you. Then, with more projection than a CinePlex, you accuse others of twisting your words and failing to see the truth.
Here, you said:
A big thing frequently ignored.
And frequently through choice. Untold billions of EU money goes to the rich who own land for not growing what they were not going to grow. It is to keep the price of food artificially high. We will be able to buy from elsewhere after leaving and for a lower price. The problem is it could cause a glut of certain foodstuffs in Europe. Prices will crash. Farmers will be affected but not those raking in the billions for doing nothing.
Maybe those on here that attack the rich will finally have a go at those creaming off taxpayers money gifted to them in EU payments.
The implication being that those who are against Brexit are hypocrites because when the EU is giving money to the rich we say nothing.
I then post an article showing that the reason those landowners get silly money isn’t because of the EU, but because the U.K. government has decided to not apply a ceiling in England like they have in the other U.K. countries.
Furthermore that article shows that the reason CAP hasn’t been reformed how you would like is that the U.K. has been obstructing said reforms.
So, to sum up: it’s not hypocritical to be against Brexit and CAP payments to the undeserving because it was a U.K. government decision to enact those payments and prevent reform. Post Brexit we will still have that government with all the same lobbying and old boys networks that lead to our existing policy of giving lots of money to rich landowners.
Equally I could link you to decades of activism from the left on land reform and show how the right has fought against this both in parliament and the media (“Labour’s garden tax” anyone?). However let’s stick with that point and that article, actually answer the issue instead of crying off about it.
How does Brexit help the issue of large landowners having a disproportionate sway over U.K. legislature and general policy? Furthermore, how exactly is someone who is anti Brexit also anti CAP reform?