city protest (1 Viewer)


CCFC Finance Director
Dont have a problem with you seeing it differently to me Rich :) , just giving my opinion. And yes your interpretation is just as correct as mine.

End of the day it doesnt matter what went on, its just tomorrows chip paper. Its done, over and didnt alter much. Find it all pretty childish really


Super Moderator
Dont have a problem with you seeing it differently to me Rich :) , just giving my opinion. And yes your interpretation is just as correct as mine.

End of the day it doesnt matter what went on, its just tomorrows chip paper. Its done, over and didnt alter much. Find it all pretty childish really

It's not childish though is it? It's a paper reporting a non story but it's not childish.


New Member
It is impossible for coventry city to lose this debacle with the council/ACL..without the football club that would just be an empty hardly used bowl of nothing.the rent IS too high.end of


CCFC Finance Director
there is a compromise to be had but i dont think SISU are willing to compromise..... their idea of a fair rent is nothing at all. I think you will find they are not presently negotiating on the rent so there is no compromise and no "new" rent to be set be it too high or nothing at all

I think their end game is to try break ACL ..... get their lease interest on the cheap..... bring it in to SBS&L group and then sell it on.

why should they profit from it whilst refusing to meet contractual agreements and failing still to set a budget that meets the means of the club...... (am willing to bet they have added to a lot of costs by way of management costs and interest whilst slashing wages)


New Member
For what it is the rent is about right - PROBLEM is it's WAY too big a ground for what CCFC need - THAT'S the POINT here


Well-Known Member
We should take a leaf out of Donny's book.
Just concluded a deal to take over running and maintenance of the Keepmoat from the Council. They were paying 300K/year. This drops to 100k/year on a 99 year lease. Looks like they will be getting reduced rent AND fizzy pop/salmanella profits too.
At the moment, the Donny council don't make any money so this will be added income for taxpayers. They have concluded they are not arena managers and will concentrate on looking after their residents.
Mind you, Donny is not run by SISU!!


Well-Known Member
The rent charge is grotesque. The rate for a league 1 club should be £8,000 a month. If it goes to court sisu could challenge that the rent is unfair and I hope they win,


New Member
How do you know nobody wants us? Somebody would take us on but not at the price sisu want. Sisu are still here because the 30mill is owed to themselves. If sisu cut there loses and wrote that debt off I'm sure they'd be people out there willing to have a go.


Well-Known Member
The rent charge is grotesque. The rate for a league 1 club should be £8,000 a month. If it goes to court sisu could challenge that the rent is unfair and I hope they win,

Piss awwff...

...there's no room for sense and reason here...


Well-Known Member
How do you know nobody wants us? Somebody would take us on but not at the price sisu want. Sisu are still here because the 30mill is owed to themselves. If sisu cut there loses and wrote that debt off I'm sure they'd be people out there willing to have a go.

Name one.

By the way, saying 'Hoffman' will lead to your further ridicule...


New Member
Duffy your beef with the council is embarrassing m8,anyone else in charge of the club then id probably agree with you,i personaly hope the council hold firm with these financial terrorists.


Well-Known Member
Duffy your beef with the council is embarrassing m8,anyone else in charge of the club then id probably agree with you,i personaly hope the council hold firm with these financial terrorists.

Anyone else in charge and you would agree with me defeats your argument. I support the club not the council. Supporters who seem to want the council to take us to court or sue us are not true supporters. Perhaps as the rent is so grotesque the club should increase admission charges or ask Mutton and his cronies to agree a market value rent.


New Member
I do think the rent is to high. Sisu agreed to it and have been paying it for nigh on 5 years. There own greed of cutting costs etc have put them in this situation. Did we here them moaning when we were in the championship? No.


CCFC Finance Director
where do you get £8000 per month from ? that would value the stadium on a rent roll multiple of say 20 at £1.9m clearly worth far more than that...... not to mention that £8000 would have to cover the rent of the offices and club shop. £8000 might be the rent for an average League 1 ground but this isnt an average League 1 ground, its not even an average Championship ground. A rent matches the value of the asset made available not league position

what is there to challenge ..... it was a commercial contract agreed between two parties at arms length, that SISU were fully aware of when they came in to buy the club. Didn't hear many or even any fans complaining about the rent five years ago it was still the same figure though and the information was available.

What you are saying is that ACL should accept a value of something like £8000 pm for an asset that is worth far more. I would like to see some compromise between the two parties yes but it has to be commercially sound for each. I see no reason why ACL should carry the cost of abject failure by CCFC, that as yet has not been rectified or even halfway addressed by the owners of the club


Well-Known Member
In fairness, does anyone really know if Ranson had a suggested plan to deal with the rent issue down the line?

....a plan like many he had that fell flat on it's face...leaving SISU taking the blame...

...much like it being SISU's fault that Ranson hired a string of poor managers...


New Member
Oh im a troll cos i don't kiss sisu's ass like you? Nibble nibble nibble,you yanks are good at that aren't you,greedy nation of drama queens.


Well-Known Member
Oh im a troll cos i don't kiss sisu's ass like you? Nibble nibble nibble,you yanks are good at that aren't you,greedy nation of drama queens.

You still haven't named one viable alternative to SISU. the mean time carry on digging your mong hole


Well-Known Member
Most clubs outside the Premier League who do not own the ground do not pay more than £100,000 a year to rent the facility. Other than office space as I understand it the cub get little commercial benefit from the lease.
The cost is ludicrous and contract law does take account of the fairness of the arrangement. I think this is a massive issue for the club. If we continue to have to pay this then no one on earth would invest in us. What business on earth survives when what 20% of revenue is tied up in rent and this is an industry which is acknowledged as having a huge wage expenditure as a % of salary. Yes it should have been tackled years ago but the fact remains its unfair and it cannot continue.

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