If anything, Ranson hired SISU !!
Mong hole? That's nice dissing the disabled. How can I name any,that's like putting your car up for sale and being able to name the person whos interested without having never met them.
Answer oldskyblues comment then yank. You cant can you.
Osb, I like your argument however I find it a little short sighted.
Didn't " the right honorable cllr mutton" say they'd look into discounted rent should SISU show intent to improve the playing side?
I for one believe they are, therefore putting themselves in a better position to re-negotiate??
Sure they've signed some freebies, but the idea that it is an "improved" playing side from last season is very much up for debate. I'd say it isn't, not by a long chalk. More has gone out in wages and transfer fees than has come in.
They have improved their conduct in terms of they have actually signed players, but to me it still looks like selling everyone with a value for the first decent offer they get. And so it will continue.
If I was a player wanting to join a club I would like to know that they take care of their equipment wouldn't you? If you came off injured you would like to know that the Treatment Bench isn't in a bad state of repair wouldn't you?
Do you think they should go when nobody else wants us?
The rent charge is grotesque. The rate for a league 1 club should be £8,000 a month. If it goes to court sisu could challenge that the rent is unfair and I hope they win,
Did they buy a League One club? No, they bought a Championship club then went on the record saying that they were going to BUY the stadium (so, no rent), make it into a Premiership club, then sell for a profit. Oops..
They bought a basket case that was on the verge of not paying any creditors.
I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you want to see the extension of the club just so you can say "told you so".
What's your problem usskyblue? You think the way sisu treat the people of coventry is acceptable do you?
I thought that last season the squad was full of kids?
I reckon overall our squad now is stronger than the one that finished last season. We are a selling club, always have been, always will be. Don't like? Then go and follow Newcastle.
I would gues sisu want rent of 250 k a year council will want 750 k so 500 k rising to 750 with promotion back to 1 mill with prem. Should be reasonable.
Howver would 500k just kep ACL afloat but not making profit
He'd only do that if a mate bought him a season ticket.
They bought a basket case that was on the verge of not paying any creditors.
I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you want to see the extension of the club just so you can say "told you so".
Would keep them from losing 500k.
The football club are allowed to lose millions but everybody wants them to spend more?
so what is the worth in terms of rent. How about this as a guess......
use of pitch and stands. I have been in the past been quoted by CCFC commercial department a figure of £5000 per hour for use of the pitch so have to believe that is the value they put on it. So lets assume including warm ups etc at least 3 hours of use (the club actually gets usage of the stadium from 11 till 6 guaranteed i believe) but say charged for 3 hours covering play 26 games a season that equates to £390k
Shop reasonable commercial rent would be £15K at least for modern shop premises (excluding rates)
offices based on local rents and probable size then rent would be at least £10k (excluding rates)
Use of bars, restaurants x 3, boxes say £4000 per match would be £104k
None of that in my opinion is unreasonable in terms of cost for what is provided and i think would compare to other similar complexes.
The total is £519,000. Income for year apparently in region of £6m. Would make rent 8.6% of turnover for CCFC, save the club money and keep ACL solvent. Sounds simple really - only thing is SISU are not paying anything and are not, at present, negotiating either.
If all parties agreed such a rent for League 1 then this financial year(assuming back dating any agreement to 01/06/12) CCFC will have paid £300k already from the escrow fund leaving £220k left to pay over next 9 months
ACL, the council and charity are all open to discussions provided CCFC prove viability and are open with their plans. ACL etc have said as much in the past and have all said so recently
Just leaves the question why CCFC are simply saying they wont pay............ I am convinced a reasonable alternative exists and that ACL etc have sufficient goodwill to seriously discuss it and agree amendments.......... but there is nothing coming from CCFC .... they are not pushing to hold any talks about a reduction ...... why ?
bottom line there is a decent rent to be paid for the Ricoh and it is a lot more than £100k pa and in my opinion SISU/TF/CCFC have an agenda other than the rent
Look, I know you are a bit slow, so let me re-iterate: I pay for my ticket. Stop lying! Slanderous son of a gun.
Yes, but your friend bought it, and you pay as and when you go to a game. So i am correct in saying that you haven't paid for your own season ticket.
Think you explained in a hugely long, convoluted post when trying to justify your back-peddlling from your "Never going to watch City" again stance, after selling Bigi.
Was quite hilarious though.
No I haven't paid, but I will pay for every game I go to. You were implying that I get in for free, deliberately misleadingly.
I have not back peddled, and that post was in response to a sarcastic, snide twat like you-possibly even you-demanding an explanation.
Trust me Lord, I'd have you "hidden", but then I wouldn't be able to defend myself against your lies, would I? Why do you come on here-do you like football? Or do you just like being a nasty wind-up merchant? You can't structure an argument very well, even though you think you are so superior.
Calm down. The thread was supposed to be about City protesting, not you two......