You need to look at your last sentence, and then take a look at the title of the thread. It was for people who really don't give a shit about the olympics. You are the one who's needling people who are different. Just because we don't have the same inane interests as you, don't meddle with what we want say! Put your comments on a thread that actually supports the olympics! If there isn't one, I suggest you create one.
Fraid not. The thread title reads 'hate the olympics', not 'hate people who like the olympics'
People who have committed the terrible crime of watching sport on TV and in person have been accused of:
a) Being brainwashed - if people enjoy new sports thanks to catching them as part of Olympic coverage, they're enjoying them. That's it. They're not dribbling while in a trance. If it's a bad thing that people become interested in things they didn't care about, you must be mad with rage when people talk about getting their kids into football. Those poor, stupid brainwashed kids.
b) Not caring about general news outside the Olympics - I'd love to see this justified with any modicum of logic. Most people tend to be smart enough to multi-task, so they can watch the Olympics but still do other things like watch the news, use the toilet, breathe in and out in a regular rhythm.
c) Having 'inane' interests - 'Only the things I like have any merit!!!!' Nonsense.
I don't care if you hate the Olympics with all your might, but trying to lord it over people that enjoy them is bullshit.