Agree with a lot of that. IIRC the NHS has some of the lowest admin costs in the world only Japan and Italy lower in developed countries.
I’m not averse to a European type system, but having seen my girlfriends family have to use GoFundMe to get care for their autistic son doesn’t fill me with confidence.
I wish people would stop being silly about data TBH, especially the Labour Party. We could be world leading and it could lead to huge efficiencies. We had the world leading machine learning company desperate to work on the NHS for free and we basically blocked them because “data scary”.
As I said earlier in the thread a proper investment in government digital capability could reap massive rewards instead of farming it out to places like Capita or other consultancies.
Agree, there could be improvements using better processes, data and non front line people doing their jobs properly. I’ve read before that Sunak is big on data supporting decisions etc so maybe he could drive some change even if only for a couple of years.
Also off the top of my head…
I’d be asking the best business minds (likely retired) to volunteer to sit on the boards of all hospital trusts just to bring a different perspective to processes, savings (away from front line) etc.
Better integration of social care and hospital system needs to be one of the priorities and will need money throwing at it, especially at more carers/their salaries. Major hospitals could maybe have some kind of short term overflow building/space nearby where reduced care/oversight is required to free up beds.
I heard of a successful trial scheme of a GP sitting in A&E dealing with many of the patients immediately on arrival. The only way to bring A&E down is to get people who don’t need to be there home asap and help with bed blocking (fix post hospital care/social care and I think fair a bit of pressure would be released from the system).
Resolve doctors issues with punitive pension tax penalties if they retire later to encourage more to stay on, even part time
Get nurses wages/incentives/flexible working right to reduce amount of those moving to agency. I heard from someone at the QE a lot left the NHS after covid, not for pay/pressure but because they were getting no/poor visibility on shifts and basically little appreciation of this from above
Finally, there needs to be some charges/penalties for certain things like missed appointments. Doctors always say cost to administer will outweigh income generated but that’s why doctors don’t run businesses. It’s not about that, we need a cultural shift in this country to stop people taking the piss and if that means some charges, so be it. Very different but look what happened with supermarkets and plastic bags charges.
As I say, it needs some big, bold, innovative decisions and changes, in addition to targeted investment. I’m just not convinced politicians from any party or senior people within NHS will deliver this but we live in hope
ps apologies all for the long ranty ramble. I just get so frustrated that the only solutions are throw more money at the problem without even trying to resolve the issues that will suck up that extra cash immediately