Dovin and both centre backs 7
MVE, Wright, Bidwell and JDS 6
Everybody else 5 except for
Rudoni and Torp 4
Just back (ok, logging on). Intrigued why player ratings don't reflect how the opposition played. I thought -
- Torp playing defensive game not natural for him, but our bench brought us into the game 2nd half.
- Liam Manning is a good coach. Nullified us 1st half, BCFC passed through us centrally, doubled up on Wright & Saka out of possession.
- Rudoni and Saka closed down, but Wright's movement was beyond our team's capacity to find, but stretched them.
- Twine moved right to left or physically blocked Torp/Eccles, to create overloads on our full backs. Binks & Lati covered overloads well.
- Favourite chant. Bidwell exceptional tackle "Bidwell for England", shanked it out 5 mins later "Bidwell for Scotland".
The Cottage Inn is a cracking boozer, 15 min walk Good chat with local fans, music after game.