@shmmeee . I had a nice warm moist cinnamon and fruit bagel this morning and it reminded me of the brief exchange we had a couple of days ago in relation to free breakfasts. You said that in your daughter’s case it consisted of a cold, dty bagel which she never wanted.
I can’t imagine you or your household sending a child to school unfed. Does your daughter dutifully eat her bagel or does it get discarded? If she does eat it and has already had a breakfast is that a good thing or a bad thing? If she doesn’t eat it and it gets thrown away, isn’t that not only a waste of taxpayers money and the production and transportation of the bagel an unnecessary addition to the carbon footprint? Remedies will, no doubt, be at least in part at taxpayers expense.
Just as there is said to be no such thing as a free lunch, neither is there a free breakfast. If additional funding was required to provide a proper breakfast, would a nominal parental contribution recognising that the state has taken over that element of good parenting be such a bad idea?