Well-Known Member
I think I’m coming down on the side of intentional troll, the problem with trolls is that it brings along people too stupid to realise it’s a troll.
Don’t know if anyone else spent time on 4chan as an edgy teen but I did way back in the “pools closed” days when it was mostly quite smart edgy people being racist and sexist for edginess. Over time as 4chan got more popular newfags arrived who didn’t get the irony and were just racist and sexist and before long they were the majority and the edgy trolls the minority.
If you look at the history of Nazism there was an awful lot of “just a prank bro” antisemitism at the start too.
Don’t know if anyone else spent time on 4chan as an edgy teen but I did way back in the “pools closed” days when it was mostly quite smart edgy people being racist and sexist for edginess. Over time as 4chan got more popular newfags arrived who didn’t get the irony and were just racist and sexist and before long they were the majority and the edgy trolls the minority.
If you look at the history of Nazism there was an awful lot of “just a prank bro” antisemitism at the start too.