A very small number of people on “my side of the political divide”.
shmmeee will jump in and defend Labour’s actions in relation to the winter fuel allowance, probably making multiple references to Elton John, somehow Rod Stewart never gets mentioned. The freebies will be defended on the assumption that LordAli cannot possibly want anything in return as he is already a peer.
We now have the issue about the voice / presentation coach - all part of an image makeover which is failing as Starmer remains a really poor and uninspiring speaker and Leader. I’ve been quite clear that I can’t stand him.
I have worked with / for leaders who I cant stand, but I have been able to recognise that they speak well, and provide some inspirational energy rather than boring the team / audience to death. I don’t think I have hated many in the political sphere as much as I do Starmer. Corbyn, obviously. Milliband. Brown. Blair. Kinnock. Nicola Sturgeon.
I’m very surprised, more than I thought.