Coventry City Supporters Forum
13th March 2025 @ the CBS Arena
1. In attendance:
Doug King (DK) – Executive Chairman
John Taylor (JT) – Chief Operations Officer
Jodie Jones (JJ) – Head of Supporter Services and Fan Experience
Mark Hornby (MH) – Head of Marketing and Communications
Rasoul Didarzadeh (RD) – Head of Retail
Eamon Collins (EC) – Disability Access Officer
Pete Griffiths (PG) – Chair and London Supporters
Billy Bell (BB) - Former Player’s Association
Alan Ludford (AL) - Diamond Club
Simone Seth (SS) - Disabled Supporters Association
Paul Maddox (PM) - South Wales Supporters
Matt Loveitt (ML) - Proud Sky Blues
Claudio Cardellino (CC) - Leamington and Warwick Supporters
Jack Saunders (JS) – Leamington and Warwick Supporters
Mark Silvester (MS) - Rugby Supporters
Paul Armstrong (PA) - Coundon Supporters
Alan Wing (AW) – Coundon Supporters
2. Apologies for absence
Colin Henderson - Forum Chair & London
Kevin Heffernan – Vice President’s & Irish Supporters
Steve Moloney – Welsh Supporters
Dave Eyles – Sky Blue Trust
Laura Smith - Family Zone
Daren Cowley – Southam Supporters
Ian Davidson – London Supporters
Steve Harding – Bedworth and Nuneaton Supporters
3. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting - not covered on the agenda:
None noted.
4. Equality and Diversity (EFL Mandate) – John Taylor
JT advised it would be more beneficial to pass over to EC and JJ to discuss some of the EDI related progress we have made over recent months.
EC says that the Away visitors’ wheelchair platform is still an ongoing process. The temporary platform has received fantastic feedback so far with away fans saying they have noticed a difference; we have made positive improvements and have even circulated this to other clubs within the league. We are working with the CBS Arena for a long-term solution.
EC discusses the sensory room, with the major change being the location on the room. This used to be situated in the south-west corner between home and away fans which was not ideal, this has now moved to the end of the balcony on level 2 where it is a much more relaxed environment and has its owndesignated seats outside. The sensory room is now being usedat every game, and we look forward to improving this more over the summer with new equipment.
EC tells us of additional ‘little wins’ that have made significant improvements for our disabled supporters with additional signage and reserved tables in hospitality lounges, all of which have been received well. EC has also been able to have an input in to steward briefings over recent games and is able to include his own accessibility- related information to help educate matchday staff; something that has not been done before and shows the progress being made.
EC confirms that this weekend will be our Level Playing Field ‘Unite 4 Access’ matchday which hopes to give our DSA a much-needed spotlight, in order for them to be the mainconduit between the Club and Disabled fans and celebrates all things ‘accessibility’.
The entrance for Away wheelchair visitors in gate twenty-fivehad become a hazard and no longer accessible with the bricks sinking and creating a lip. The Arena have worked alongside us and had this fixed recently. We also now have a ‘stock’ of ear defenders for fans to be able to make use of on matchdays, should they get overwhelmed. They key is to raise awareness of disabilities overall and supporting each other.
MS asks- How can we help to educate the fanbase to assist with this?
EC urges people to come to him directly, or the DSA, who are all willing to help and educate. In time, we hope to have much more information on the Club website and will continue to raise awareness.
JJ reminds us of the recent themed matchdays that have been organised to support International Women’s Day, Football v Homophobia week-of-action and Unite for Access, all to create awareness and understanding.
JJ announces that the Club were shortlisted at the Football v Homophobia awards in Glasgow last week for last season’s awareness matchday. From all of the PL, EFL, WSL and Scottish Leagues, Coventry City came away with third overall which is a huge achievement in itself.
JJ tells us that alongside this weekend’s ‘Unite for Access’ matchday, the Club shall also be marking ‘World Down Syndrome Day’ at the end of next week, having had twomascots with Downs Syndrome at recent games.
JT reiterates that the clear message from the Club is that ‘everyone is welcome here’ and, whilst we may see some negative feedback online, we are proud of the steps being made and achievements being recognised by professional football bodies. We urge all our fans to keep up the same message of support for everyone visiting us.
5. Club up-date - Doug King
DK touched on the recent Club accounts that were published. The Club is still losing £5-6million each season at an EBITDA level. Given the distortion to the Championship from the Parachute payment regime, to be competitive warrants as it stands a negative operating environment that is not sustainable unless owner funded. He hopes that the new football regulation bill will firstly increase appropriately funds from the PL through the pyramid and secondly address once and for all the hugely distorting sums paid to relegated clubs from the PL.
An important change over the last 2 years is the increase in revenue at the club. This might have been used to narrow operating losses however basis our gameplan it has been deployed on constructing a stronger first team squad (higher squad wages). The sale of two exceptional players has been reinvested recruiting this squad alongside further inward investment (from the owner). As such the squad quality and depth now matches other top-Championship (non-parachute payment) clubs who are our natural competitors in reaching the play-offs whilst also minimising the risk of relegation. This transition has been done whilst maintaining a similar annual operating loss as reported by the club over the two years preceding the 23/24 season.
Frank Lampard, Joe Edwards, and Chris Jones have settled in quickly and professionally. Their impact is now being strongly demonstrated with an average of nearly twopoints/game over an extended series of fixtures (automatic promotion form).
Given the slow start to the season and high-profile change of Head Coach in November, the club has moved into the play-off places and are challenging once more at the upper end of the championship.
As the club once more prepares another Season Ticket campaign, the focus remains on retaining our current fan base and engaging with new members of our community to enjoy the spectacle of fantastic live sport at the Arena and supporting our journey to the top division of English football.
CC and AL both comment on the drastic changes with record Season Ticket holders.
DK mentions the need to increase the Commercial side of the business. Monzo, a new sponsor for this season, have been a great company to work alongside, and reveals that there has been 50,000 people personalise their Monzo app to a CCFC theme.
DK also notes that the Club underwent a digital marketing audit some months ago with IMG, who will also be working with us as we move towards to the new Season Ticket campaign.
MH comments on the huge increase in engagement from fans across all social media platforms, which is down to the much-improved content being put out by the Club.
DK confirms the strong working relationship with the CBS Arena which has helped us make positive changes to the matchday experience which we are continually looking to improve and enhance.
It was also mentioned that the Club brought in and covers the cost of a shuttle service this season to get fans to and from the ground which has gone down well. We will continue to work on this going forward.
JS comments on the level 2 balcony not being full and asks how we change that.
DK and JT both discuss the difficulties with the capacity of the lounge not matching the seats on the balcony. There is a fine line between filling the room and not ruining people’s matchday hospitality experience. There has been lots of growth in this area with 550 expected in the Balcony StreetBar for Sunderland, but still, lots of work to do on the hospitality offerings.
JT says there is around 350 seats being left empty on the balcony currently given the capacity numbers for the lounge, and the numbers do alter dependant on furniture in the room, too. We have had largely positive feedback regarding the Balcony Street Bar, more so when it is full as it creates a real atmosphere.
AL asks if the 12:30pm kick offs for ‘Sky TV’ make much of an impact to sales, and whether the Club get much say on these fixture changes.
JT thinks it does have some impact, but the Club has no say at all over this. It is slightly better with the longer notice time, however.
PG says he has had comments from supporters worried they may lose their Family Zone tickets if not attending games andasks if any had had tickets taken away.
JT responds by saying the Ticket Office are keeping an eye on this and have sent pre-warnings out to people who have breached the conditions or are close to breaching asreminders. Given this is the first year of the new scheme, the club is being pragmatic but are clear that this will continue to be policed properly, and any persistent offenders will have their access revoked. At this point though, there have been zero cancellations.
DK says how the Stoke game showed the potential of the South stand with so many fans so close to the away end, and what a buzz it created. The aim is to have a full stadium withseason tickets an extremely valuable commodity with more demand than availability that could merit a wider ticket exchange system. Huge progress has been made there but there remains a long way to go.