The Trust (5 Viewers)


Isn't that the pot calling the kettle Black JG?

Criticising others for self publicity - yet DEFENDING the trust trying to get in front of ANY camera, microphone or reporter!

A troll is someone who tries and set the agenda. But surely isn't this what the trust and "PEOPLE" like yourself are doing on a daily basis?

We must speak as one voice? Yet they cannot even speak was one voice within their OWN ranks!

As for how long it took to write - about 3-4 minutes! It isn't really very difficuly to type if you know what you are doing!

How long did it take the trolls to come up with a protest outside an empty office building?

How long did it take JG to come up with that last magnum opus?

Seemingly rather than defend their own corner (basically becasue there IS no defence) they CONSTANTLY use personal attacks!

I just wonder if they are so intent on harmonising the support, why are they CONDONING attacks against critics? Surely by their actions THEY are the ones who are causing dissent and fractions!

The stench of hypocricy from the trust trolls is absolutely staggering!

Having a go at others CLAIMING (no evidence btw) that they are trying to self promote. Yet HOW MANY TV or press interviews have I made? How many has your clan?

How many have been effective?

It just shows the utter panic that must clearly be going through the ranks

"how can we silence him now - I know lets have another personal attack and then claim we are open to talks"

It would be laughable if they weren't trying to be taken seriously.

Can you imagine the chais these people would cause if they had voting rights within the board?

Going on history, they would have to put a vote EVERY time a decision had to be made!

Do we want player X - Don't know let's be "democratic" and put it to the vote! Which as a side effect would automatically release who that target player would be!

Just imagine when a decision had to be made on a new manager when Pressley is eventually sacked (it is WHEN NOT IF). They couldn't make a decsion as that would be undemocratic!

Point is when the ONLY people who ar defending them are people like JG & LAST, then it is hardly indicative of the fans as a whole. Defended by 2 well known internet trolls!

Boy can just see them waiting round the corner to join up!

Great to see them not living up to their OWN standards!


Well-Known Member
The thing is, the trust's "come and protest at the forums and show sisu we want them out" kind of encourages the ranting at these things.

What makes you think that the venting of frustration at the forums was anything other than Organic in nature, genuine emotions.


Nothing wrong with showing emotions - after all isn't that what being a fan is all about! The fundamental point is, that they went to this forum and asked questions that they were NEVER going to get an answer to - at least certainly NOT the answer they would have liked.

For example, do they GENUINELY believe that asking them to leave the club was going to make them do it? Have they followed the antics of Sisu AT ALL? To be fair Mr Linnell should receive the lions share of criticism for allowing this to happen. It was clearly pre-arranged that the first question(s) would by asked by the trust. I mean not only did he allow them to have the first question (of itself not an issue) - but he then proceeded to allow them 4-5 consecutive questions! Now even this COULD have been acceptable IF no further questions were allowed from the trust (after all their membership is less than 10% of the fanbase), yet time and time again trust members were chosen "at random" to ask questions - and MULTIPLE questions at that!

Now even this MIGHT have been acceptable, had they been clear distinct straight to the point questions; yet they were rambling monologues. Even before these forums occured it was highly probable they were meaningless, but what was eventually served up did NOTHING to further the cause. If anything all it did was strengthen the resolve of sisu to "tough it out".

So you end up with 30-40 minutes of the trust hogging the microphone with pointless rambling questions, and Fisher "explaining" the answers, and therefore allowing him to ramble through effectively not answering a simple question! When you consider how long they have had to rehearse and practice for this event, it is a pretty poor showing - certainly NOT representative of the fanbase in general.

And then you get them shamelessly self-promoting on the TV, with a hapless representative who clearly was unsuitable for such an event. Swansea & Pompey to their credits were far more organised and far better prepared. THEY KNEW talking to the owners like this was fruitless, and instead concentrated their efforts on raising funds.

Swansea took 2-3 years and raised £100k, Pompey got a deal with a developer (so have sold off the surrounding land - a deal thsat may well come back to haunt them), but they EARNED their prominence. SBT have done NOTHING of the sort. How much money have they raised? To achieve the money the need to provide the same levels as Swansea & Pompey, they are going to need MILLIONS of members, or sell an awful lot of t-shirts!

I'm sorry but I am happty to concede they MIGHT have begun with the right intentions (wrong plan but good intentions), it has morphed to a group that rather than trying to help the club, is out to build its OWN presence and importance. This is NOT what a trust should be! The should be called at BEST the sky blues Fangroup - as to imply they are the sky blue trust is an insult to the very concept!

Alan Higgs Trust was prepared to put itself with heavy financial commitments to find the club a home. What have the SBT done? AHT deserve a board position - SBT DO NOT!

I think it is a complete outrage they claim to represent the fans, they do not even represent all of their OWN group!

SBT is a DISGRACE to the name. They are UNACCOUNTABLE, UNELECTED, AND UNWELCOME. They are BAD NEWS and ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. They are even prepared to go BEYOND what sisu are prepared to do - yet they CLAIM to represent the fans!




Well-Known Member
psgm1. I am not a trust member by the way. What is your opinion of the SCG group, also with just a fanny full of members, who's spokesman is on CWR as often as the Trust are.

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
"I am a big admirer of the Trust and for all the hard work that they put in.
I myself do not have the time due to work and family to put that sort of time in.
I felt that if it affected the Trust then I should leave which I did.
Will still go on any demonstrations or any other actions that are taken but solely as a CCFC Supporter"

Oh this is comedy Gold Letsall - I cannot be a member because I cannot spare the time - OH this is HILARIOUS! Why do you have to stop being a member, when you state that you will attend ALL and any demonstrations? Surely by DEFINITION this means you CAN attend, and therefore pretty much undermines your OWN argument!

Basically they refused to do what you wanted to do, and you threw a strop and left - THAT is the reality. Or perhaps you were asked to leave! But even with YOUR words, there simply is NO reason why you cannot be a member is there!

Either you are so contrary you were asked to leave (which raises questions about you personally), or the trust was so intransigent it wouldn't listen to views of its members (and similarly raises questions about the trust!)

You REALLY trying to say you had to leave because of work commitments - is THAT what you are saying? If so then YOUR OWN ARGUMENT is fundamentally flawed - and here is why.

To Join costs £1. You are not FORCED to go to meetings. Indeed because they hold meetings in the squirrel it is IMPOSSIBLE for all it's members to go (this in itself raises questions to it's validity, as just by the physical limitations it is IMPOSSIBLE to have a fully democratic vote, as it is IMPOSSIBLE for ALL trust members to turn up and vote!)

There are claimed over 2,000 members in the trust now. So is Lets saying that because these cannot / do not show up to the meetings they should leave to - is THAT the message Lets is putting across here? That if you do not turn up to EVERY event the trust sets up you MUST leave? Certainly his OWN actions suggests this is the correct thing to do!

And is he REALLY saying that one man not turning up to meetings will affect a group claiming to have 2,000 members? Was he THAT pivotal to the trusts operations? If so is this why the trust is falling apart and is crippled by indecision and unable to have a coherent plan of action? Is it Let's fault the trust is falling apart?

Either it shows an immense arrogance (the trust cannot live without my very presence) or Lets seriously over values the contribution he/she has provided. I mean they haven't come on here and begged you to rejoin have they - I wonder why?

Also by that logic if you cannot get to a match would you stop being a CCFC supporter? You have already set a precedent. You WALK AWAY when the going gets difficult - is that how Lets deals with problems - walking away?

I mean Lets goes to great efforts to shout ME down, seemingly can find time to attack criticism, but CANNOT find time to support a cause they CLAIM to be fully behind!

Clearly there is way way more to Lets "deciding to leave" than has been stated on here. The likelihood is that there was an asking to leave going on here. I mean surely any supposedly voluntary group would be happy for anyone doing what they can when they can.

But not according to LETS! Apparently if this trust member couldn't turn up to EVERY event they would implode! Boy the trust revolves around this persons every actions when they were a member!

Boy how much infighting, backstabbing and indecision is there in the trust? No wonder they are STILL going ahead with a protest outside an empty office building tomorrow.

Still at least they can say they are doing something.

By the same token they can go on forums, and attack ANYONE who has criticism of them. AGAIN they can argue "at least they are doing something".

One problem with that - just doing "something" is not good enough. If it were in anyway possible yet alone likely that giving a bunch of inane loaded questions would do any good I would support it no questions!

Sadly, TF could and will argue he has already answered these questions (even IF you accept he would reqd them - which personally I suspect they will just end up in the general file), so all you are doing is wasting money going down to london to deliver a sheet of paper to a security guard.

But HEY at least they are doing something.

On the SAME level of usefulness I am going to the local well and going to throw a coin in and wish for sisu to just disappear. At least it is DOING something! (may even have more chance of success!)

How desperate these people are starting to become - priceless

Oh dear PSG reading selective posts is not the right thing to do. Please Please Please return and read the posts that both I and Last posted regarding both of us leaving the trust. You will see that the reason was your threats against the trust even though all the abuse was started by you. I am sure you are a very nice person and will regret these outbursts in years to come.:p


New Member
Isn't that the pot calling the kettle Black JG?

Criticising others for self publicity - yet DEFENDING the trust trying to get in front of ANY camera, microphone or reporter!

A troll is someone who tries and set the agenda. But surely isn't this what the trust and "PEOPLE" like yourself are doing on a daily basis?

We must speak as one voice? Yet they cannot even speak was one voice within their OWN ranks!

As for how long it took to write - about 3-4 minutes! It isn't really very difficuly to type if you know what you are doing!

How long did it take the trolls to come up with a protest outside an empty office building?

How long did it take JG to come up with that last magnum opus?

Seemingly rather than defend their own corner (basically becasue there IS no defence) they CONSTANTLY use personal attacks!

I just wonder if they are so intent on harmonising the support, why are they CONDONING attacks against critics? Surely by their actions THEY are the ones who are causing dissent and fractions!

The stench of hypocricy from the trust trolls is absolutely staggering!

Having a go at others CLAIMING (no evidence btw) that they are trying to self promote. Yet HOW MANY TV or press interviews have I made? How many has your clan?

How many have been effective?

It just shows the utter panic that must clearly be going through the ranks

"how can we silence him now - I know lets have another personal attack and then claim we are open to talks"

It would be laughable if they weren't trying to be taken seriously.

Can you imagine the chais these people would cause if they had voting rights within the board?

Going on history, they would have to put a vote EVERY time a decision had to be made!

Do we want player X - Don't know let's be "democratic" and put it to the vote! Which as a side effect would automatically release who that target player would be!

Just imagine when a decision had to be made on a new manager when Pressley is eventually sacked (it is WHEN NOT IF). They couldn't make a decsion as that would be undemocratic!

Point is when the ONLY people who ar defending them are people like JG & LAST, then it is hardly indicative of the fans as a whole. Defended by 2 well known internet trolls!

Boy can just see them waiting round the corner to join up!

Great to see them not living up to their OWN standards!

Although I often read the boards its rare that I actually log on but felt that I had to today as think your a raving Idiot.
You have made the odd good point but all you ever do is insult the Trust and they always seem to be doing whats they believe is right for the supporters.
Why not give them some positive ideas rather than insults?

Personal attacks on you, never seen any but would not blame anyone from doing so.


New Member
Nothing wrong with showing emotions - after all isn't that what being a fan is all about! The fundamental point is, that they went to this forum and asked questions that they were NEVER going to get an answer to - at least certainly NOT the answer they would have liked.

For example, do they GENUINELY believe that asking them to leave the club was going to make them do it? Have they followed the antics of Sisu AT ALL? To be fair Mr Linnell should receive the lions share of criticism for allowing this to happen. It was clearly pre-arranged that the first question(s) would by asked by the trust. I mean not only did he allow them to have the first question (of itself not an issue) - but he then proceeded to allow them 4-5 consecutive questions! Now even this COULD have been acceptable IF no further questions were allowed from the trust (after all their membership is less than 10% of the fanbase), yet time and time again trust members were chosen "at random" to ask questions - and MULTIPLE questions at that!

Now even this MIGHT have been acceptable, had they been clear distinct straight to the point questions; yet they were rambling monologues. Even before these forums occured it was highly probable they were meaningless, but what was eventually served up did NOTHING to further the cause. If anything all it did was strengthen the resolve of sisu to "tough it out".

So you end up with 30-40 minutes of the trust hogging the microphone with pointless rambling questions, and Fisher "explaining" the answers, and therefore allowing him to ramble through effectively not answering a simple question! When you consider how long they have had to rehearse and practice for this event, it is a pretty poor showing - certainly NOT representative of the fanbase in general.

And then you get them shamelessly self-promoting on the TV, with a hapless representative who clearly was unsuitable for such an event. Swansea & Pompey to their credits were far more organised and far better prepared. THEY KNEW talking to the owners like this was fruitless, and instead concentrated their efforts on raising funds.

Swansea took 2-3 years and raised £100k, Pompey got a deal with a developer (so have sold off the surrounding land - a deal thsat may well come back to haunt them), but they EARNED their prominence. SBT have done NOTHING of the sort. How much money have they raised? To achieve the money the need to provide the same levels as Swansea & Pompey, they are going to need MILLIONS of members, or sell an awful lot of t-shirts!

I'm sorry but I am happty to concede they MIGHT have begun with the right intentions (wrong plan but good intentions), it has morphed to a group that rather than trying to help the club, is out to build its OWN presence and importance. This is NOT what a trust should be! The should be called at BEST the sky blues Fangroup - as to imply they are the sky blue trust is an insult to the very concept!

Alan Higgs Trust was prepared to put itself with heavy financial commitments to find the club a home. What have the SBT done? AHT deserve a board position - SBT DO NOT!

I think it is a complete outrage they claim to represent the fans, they do not even represent all of their OWN group!

SBT is a DISGRACE to the name. They are UNACCOUNTABLE, UNELECTED, AND UNWELCOME. They are BAD NEWS and ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. They are even prepared to go BEYOND what sisu are prepared to do - yet they CLAIM to represent the fans!



100% silly man/woman.
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New Member
But this is just it, the formats aren't suited. This isn't me saying I expect him to answer questions in other formats but, once the format of these forums became clear, it became even more obvious they were going to be utterly useless.

Whether the forums were useless depends upon what perspective you take - it's arguable that for TF/sisu they were very successful in allowing them to continue to set the PR agenda and be able to say to the FL and others that fans have been consulted.

I'm not saying you're wrong, I do think it's important not to be embedded in assumptions however. If, say, you are right (entirely possible, I'd add my own thought that this is a path towards liquidation rather than anything else) then contrary as this sounds, the expected reaction we're getting and giving now will have been thought about, it will have been anticipated.

Absolutely. It's not about assumptions but trying to work out possible scenarios. One scenario is the administrator prefers a non sisu related bidder and then there will be a process of that bidder having to negotiate with ARVO, the FL, acl etc etc. Liquidation remains a very possible scenario. Sisu remaining in control for the forseeable future is perhaps the most likely scenario. If it is the latter, then it comes down to what sisu's aim is which seems to be driving up the sale price and/or distressing acl. There is not a scrap of evidence that sisu think they can make money through success on the pitch.

And if something's anticipated, the best way to outmaneuvre it is to try something unexpected. Personally I would move it on beyond the financial detail, which he's always likely to not answer anyway, and question the process itself, interrogate why these forums are arranged, why he decides to release certain information, whether the club's owners intend to pursue any further court actions etc. I'm not the financial expert here, as with most of us we have to take on trust various people with the financial questioning, but I do understand certain mechanisations at play (from all sides) and I can guess at a few answers to this process.

It's an obvious point but one we all tend to forget - sisu hold pretty much all the cards. Unless the administrator or FL do something unexpected, or there is an alternative bolt out of the blue, this will remain the case.

Again, there are some obvious answers he could give, and some answers would be entirely justifiable even if I didn't agree with or believe the answers, but I'd be wanting to move it on somewhat. I don't think an anybody but SISU message helps us move it on though.

Anything I've ever heard from TF or ML in any format has always just been a restating of the sisu case in one form or another which when you think about it is not very surprising. And the question I regularly pose on here is, what are people's suggestions for options the Trust (or others) can pursue?


PRECISELY Nick - I take it Matt hasn't even read through THIS thread! There are at least 5 attacks - but you say you have NEVER seen a personal attack!

This is EXACTLY the kind of stuff I am talking about. MRBSA (or Broken whatever) usual approach is to simply repost my post, and then add some insult on how I never read past posts ad infinitum.

Thing is if these were rants, then they wouldn't have an argument, supporting evidence or conclusions would they! Most (not all) either show some imperical evidence to support my assertion, and I always at least try and back up EVERYTHING I say!

I FAIL to see how

"100% silly man/woman."Is anything else but a rant or a personal insult - AGAIN this just highlights the abject lack of an argument in defence!

"think your a raving Idiot" - So this isn't a rant or a personal attack in your view?

It seems EVERY time some troll comes on and tries to defend these guys, all they do is prove MY case, and undermine their own!

Yan/Jan one of their founders was on today - kept his head down - WHY Jan? Are you now going to DENY you sent me a PM alluding to the trust NEVER condoning personal attacks on individuals and that you gave me your PROMISE that you would investigate and ANY such incidents would warrant IMMEDIATE action? You saying you NEVER EVER sent such a PM?

Strangely when I called you out on your word, all of a sudden I was told by a board member that this was NEVER the case - Unless of course I provided £500 to investigate YOURSELVES!

Seems that rather than being open honest and accountable, you are the EXACT OPPOSITE.

I mean you cannot hold on to the members you had! You have a couple of trolls pretending to be former members (trying but failing to insulate your group from criticism). But it does seem somewhat bizarre that they would not join!

I mean it's only a pound, they have gone to IMMENSE lengths to defend you, yet REFUSE to join! Only someone who has been PERMANENTLY BARRED from joining, or is simply an internet troll intent solely on trying to score points against another would even consider taking this stance!

If it is so good guys WHY DID YOU LEAVE? You Don't need to go to every meeting to be a member do you? Certainly the hundreds of other members certainly don't feel that need!

So it boils down to either they are liars (and have never been members) or are Liars (and are STILL members) or are LIARS ( and the sbt is NOT a worthy cause and is why they are no longer members!)

So which is it? liar, Liar or LIAR? (are your pants on fire yet?)

As they STILL haven't given a valid reason WHY they aren't members but defend them with such vigour!

Unless of course they deem it normal behaviour to simply cut and paste what I say, reprint it and then start an inane rant which bears not even a scant reference to the comment they have just posted!

It is pretty much the VERY definition of an internet troll.

Let me guess a comment with this comment will show up and then a inane rant will ensue.

Once more tyhey undermine their OWN case!


To be honest, I have asked you to press report on the abusive PM's and stuff you don't agree with so I can see. You are no saint either though ;)



New Member
PRECISELY Nick - I take it Matt hasn't even read through THIS thread! There are at least 5 attacks - but you say you have NEVER seen a personal attack!

This is EXACTLY the kind of stuff I am talking about. MRBSA (or Broken whatever) usual approach is to simply repost my post, and then add some insult on how I never read past posts ad infinitum.

Thing is if these were rants, then they wouldn't have an argument, supporting evidence or conclusions would they! Most (not all) either show some imperical evidence to support my assertion, and I always at least try and back up EVERYTHING I say!

I FAIL to see how

"100% silly man/woman."Is anything else but a rant or a personal insult - AGAIN this just highlights the abject lack of an argument in defence!

"think your a raving Idiot" - So this isn't a rant or a personal attack in your view?

It seems EVERY time some troll comes on and tries to defend these guys, all they do is prove MY case, and undermine their own!

Yan/Jan one of their founders was on today - kept his head down - WHY Jan? Are you now going to DENY you sent me a PM alluding to the trust NEVER condoning personal attacks on individuals and that you gave me your PROMISE that you would investigate and ANY such incidents would warrant IMMEDIATE action? You saying you NEVER EVER sent such a PM?

Strangely when I called you out on your word, all of a sudden I was told by a board member that this was NEVER the case - Unless of course I provided £500 to investigate YOURSELVES!

Seems that rather than being open honest and accountable, you are the EXACT OPPOSITE.

I mean you cannot hold on to the members you had! You have a couple of trolls pretending to be former members (trying but failing to insulate your group from criticism). But it does seem somewhat bizarre that they would not join!

I mean it's only a pound, they have gone to IMMENSE lengths to defend you, yet REFUSE to join! Only someone who has been PERMANENTLY BARRED from joining, or is simply an internet troll intent solely on trying to score points against another would even consider taking this stance!

If it is so good guys WHY DID YOU LEAVE? You Don't need to go to every meeting to be a member do you? Certainly the hundreds of other members certainly don't feel that need!

So it boils down to either they are liars (and have never been members) or are Liars (and are STILL members) or are LIARS ( and the sbt is NOT a worthy cause and is why they are no longer members!)

So which is it? liar, Liar or LIAR? (are your pants on fire yet?)

As they STILL haven't given a valid reason WHY they aren't members but defend them with such vigour!

Unless of course they deem it normal behaviour to simply cut and paste what I say, reprint it and then start an inane rant which bears not even a scant reference to the comment they have just posted!

It is pretty much the VERY definition of an internet troll.

Let me guess a comment with this comment will show up and then a inane rant will ensue.

Once more tyhey undermine their OWN case!

This is so much fun, you entertain us if nothing else.
I am now a Trust member.


Well-Known Member
And the question I regularly pose on here is, what are people's suggestions for options the Trust (or others) can pursue?
The trust should give all there members there £1 back.
As this is not value for money and no service has been made to represent ( the fans in voice or other ).
I could never and would never be a member of the trust as to date they have achieved feck all.
What have they actually done ?
I think I've done the same as the trust
But I still have my £1.



The club is falling apart and YOU are concerned with CAPS LOCK!



And what is the point of pressing REPORT?

You leave EVERY post on there REGARDLESS !!!

If anything it is necessary to leave their rants on as it just shows their mentality!

As people have witnessed FOR THEMSELVES the trust are nothing more than a group of self obsessed fame hungry no marks!

If you cannot even organise a protest against THE most hated owners in the history of the club - WHAT IS THE POINT OF YOU?

How sad do you have to be when the club is in such a bad state that YOU COME ON AND MOAN ABOUT CAPS LOCK!



Well-Known Member

The club is falling apart and YOU are concerned with CAPS LOCK!



And what is the point of pressing REPORT?

You leave EVERY post on there REGARDLESS !!!

If anything it is necessary to leave their rants on as it just shows their mentality!

As people have witnessed FOR THEMSELVES the trust are nothing more than a group of self obsessed fame hungry no marks!

If you cannot even organise a protest against THE most hated owners in the history of the club - WHAT IS THE POINT OF YOU?

How sad do you have to be when the club is in such a bad state that YOU COME ON AND MOAN ABOUT CAPS LOCK!


Whereas you are incredibly constructive in your constant rants about the trust without actually offering proof of any of your accusations - such as reporting the so-called messages sent to you....



The club is falling apart and YOU are concerned with CAPS LOCK!



And what is the point of pressing REPORT?

You leave EVERY post on there REGARDLESS !!!

If anything it is necessary to leave their rants on as it just shows their mentality!

As people have witnessed FOR THEMSELVES the trust are nothing more than a group of self obsessed fame hungry no marks!

If you cannot even organise a protest against THE most hated owners in the history of the club - WHAT IS THE POINT OF YOU?

How sad do you have to be when the club is in such a bad state that YOU COME ON AND MOAN ABOUT CAPS LOCK!


It's ok, I will just edit your posts and put them in lower case. ;)

How would you know what gets reported and what gets dealt with?

I asked you to report it to see what you are talking about, the fact is you are talking shite about a threatening PM to you.


New Member
Let me ask you a few questions?
If there were no Trust (be it good or bad) how do the we as supporters get a voice?
As a new member (yesterday) I have looked at what they have done and in my view they have tried to get points over, how does one individual get these to the local press or media?
You say "WHAT HAVE THEY DONE"? Well they are reconised as the main voice of the supporters with Supporters Direct which is a Government Department who look after fans from all sports. So if its not them how else can we get a voice?
Please do not get me wrong I am not trying to start a row, but they are all we have other than single fans shouting and moaning down the pub.
I say if you or anyone is not happy with how the Trust is run, then do something positive and get a vote/voice be part of them not one person knocking them. If you need a £1 I am happy to help.


Well-Known Member
Well matty. Lets see what they have done and achieved to date .
Put on here what you know/been told that the Trust have done.please.
So all us none believers can judge for ourself,
After the sham questions that the Trust spilled out at all three forums I really don't have any faith in them.
Prove me wrong


New Member
And the question I regularly pose on here is, what are people's suggestions for options the Trust (or others) can pursue?
The trust should give all there members there £1 back.
As this is not value for money and no service has been made to represent ( the fans in voice or other ).
I could never and would never be a member of the trust as to date they have achieved feck all.
What have they actually done ?
I think I've done the same as the trust
But I still have my £1.

"I think I've done the same as the trust" So you've organised a protest for tomorrow??


"I think I've done the same as the trust" So you've organised a protest for tomorrow??

To be honest, is that really something to brag / shout about? No personal offence.

It is just that it is a protest at a closed office....


New Member
Well matty. Lets see what they have done and achieved to date .
Put on here what you know/been told that the Trust have done.please.
So all us none believers can judge for ourself,
After the sham questions that the Trust spilled out at all three forums I really don't have any faith in them.
Prove me wrong

So you went to a Forum?
Whch questions were asked by Trust members? Did they have a big badge saying who they were?
Like you saying your a Bell (End) from Tile Hill?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Covcraig@bury:
Well matty. Lets see what they have done and achieved to date .
Put on here what you know/been told that the Trust have done.please.
So all us none believers can judge for ourself,
After the sham questions that the Trust spilled out at all three forums I really don't have any faith in them.
Prove me wrong
So you went to a Forum?
Whch questions were asked by Trust members? Did they have a big badge saying who they were?
Like you saying your a Bell (End) from Tile Hill?

Can we meet before a game Simple ? I need to go over a few things with you. Lets call it a one on one forum.
You can call me what you want to my face pm me


It's interesting how the trust trolls themselves accuse others of not reading comments when they themselves do not!

Sure it is fine for Steve to represent himself, however like it or not as a member of the board they put themselves up for criticism when they take that role on. If you do not like that then resign - it's pretty simple!

By the same token if a politician does something illegal or immoral is the publics reaction - oh well that is just them? No on the contrary the opponents of that person's party use it as a weapon against that particular party! Maybe it's not fair, maybe even it's not right, but it is the reality. Certainly if they want to be in a position of authority they should expect a heck of a lot more than that!

So when this Steve comes to forums declairing himself a member of the trust, then his words must surely reflect those of the trust, otherwise when he speaks he shouldn't say he is part of the trust!

Ditto when they go on the radio, if they do not want their views to be associated with the trustm, then you shouldn't go out of your way to say you are part of the trust then - this is just common sense!

Craig is absolutely correct. When you defend the trust, when you say they have done so much, then surely it is fair comment to ask what precisely have they done for the club?

Public appearences (on radio and media) - have raised the profile of the trust, but how has that benefitted the club Matt? Have their publicity stunts put more bums on seats? Or brought new investors into the club?

Joe & the Hoff have, so they can at least be qualified in saying they have done something for the club!

Maybe you can share their successes, as getting on sky blues interactive, appearing on TV wearing a t-shirt with the trust logo on might be considered a success for the trust but it is not repeat not any good for the club - which after all they claim is their sole concern (at least they used to)!

Indeed I released to the world first that the league had confirmed the ltd were the club - hours before the trust did! I have written to as many peoiple - if not more than the trust have! I wouldn't claim any successes - so how can the trust possibly claim any?

Infact the only thing the trust can claim is they successfully hijacked the forums, and considering how bungled they were this would be sopmething personally I would hide rather than exrtoll!

Asfor the question how do we as fans get a voice - I think I am proof that you can be heard inspite of the trust! indeed they have tried everything they can to silence me and have failed spectacularly!

As for Supporters' Direct - you do realise they get that recognition by paying for membership - it isn't for free or did you think they got in by merit?

It's like saying a business must be good because it has an advert in the phone directory - these are paid for by the membership fees!

And also how is it that I have managed to correspond with the CEO of the football league directly? Surely you aren't claiming that was down to the trust are you?!

The trust would love people to think they are all we have - but they are wrong. What about the London supporter's groups, the Alan Higgs, The council ACL Bob Ainsworth. Now you might say so what, but at least Bob got ccfc raised in parliament - have the trust achieved this?

I at least have had acknowlegdgement from the FAQ, the FL, and #10 - They wont do anything, I wouldn't expect them to, but you seem to think that the trust are a panacea for all the clubs woes - this sadly they are not!

Just think about it for a moment. They have planned a protest tomorrow at the offices of sisu. Have they checked any of the sisu people are going to be there? Are the offices open? Have they arranged a meeting - or are they simply handing over an enveloipe to a security guard?

Surely a whole host of time money and effort could be saved by sending the questions by courier! It is going to be placed in the bin anyway!

One final thought before you continue to support these people. Did they actually manage to gat anyt concessions out of TF or sisu through the forums?

Did their questions get sisu to change their plans even in a minute way? If it did then what evidence is their? Certainly all it did was show how TF was utterly unmoved by the frustrations of those present!

You cannot rationalise with these kind of people Matt. They just will not listen. They will not go willingly, but the people you are defending just either do not get that, or refuse to believe it!

But hypothetically let's say sisu obtain the share - then what? Are the trust going to have talks with sisu? This would be totally against what they already voted! You will see then just how moral these people are.

Ultimately there is no point talking to sisu even if they get the share. They certainly wouldn't be going and you couldn't argue they listened to what you say could you!

No there is a time as a fan when you take a principled stance and stand by it come what may. After all if they do stay, then that is the start of the boycott.

For far too long the trust has tried to make itself appear the voice of the fans, then when they are called to action they freeze! These aren't the kind of people who should be leading the fans, I question if the fans need a leader at all! I definitely question whether it is necessary for self-elected group to represent the fans.

I mean if you cannot persuade 2 of your most ardent advocates to join, then you have a serious credibility problem!

And no manner of shouting down and insults is going to hide that truth for very long!

Let's not forget, before I raised their abject lack of effort there wasn't a single comment attacking the trust. All of a sudden they are being swamped!

Clearly I am not the only person who is fed up with their self publicity campaign. You claim you exist to help the club - start doing so or disband. The time for self publicity is long over - you stand up to be judged, then don't moan when you are judged!


New Member
To be honest, is that really something to brag / shout about? No personal offence.

It is just that it is a protest at a closed office....

Nick, really? You're a bright bloke and know how these things work. Media coverage will be noted by the football league and sisu irrespective of what day of the week it is


Well-Known Member
Nick, really? You're a bright bloke and know how these things work. Media coverage will be noted by the football league and sisu irrespective of what day of the week it is

As I've previously stated Nick when ever me or any of our representatives have gone down there on a week day we've been fobbed off and told Dermot/Joy aren't there. So this either means 1. It doesn't matter which day we go on or 2. SISU lied to us.

PSGM1 I'm still WAITING for YOUR response on the MIDLANDS today THREAD.


Well-Known Member
Nick, really? You're a bright bloke and know how these things work. Media coverage will be noted by the football league and sisu irrespective of what day of the week it is

What media coverage though Michael? Perhaps a soundbite on Mids Today. 60 secs item on CWR. Nationals wont be interested unless you get a few thousand marching past the FL HQ.

Deleted member 5849


What media coverage though Michael? Perhaps a soundbite on Mids Today. 60 secs item on CWR. Nationals wont be interested unless you get a few thousand marching past the FL HQ.

And what's the message? SISU Out, and we don't care who's in?

And the message is 99% of people vote for protest, but bugger all can be bothered to actually do it when it comes down to it?

I preferred the reasonable moderate trust, who tried to engage everyone in dialogue and tried to have a voice regardless, not the militant version we seem to have now.

Of course psgm wants a more militant one, so you can't please everyone all the time admittedly!


Nick, really? You're a bright bloke and know how these things work. Media coverage will be noted by the football league and sisu irrespective of what day of the week it is

The thing is though, what sort of media coverage? I understand that something that goes viral will be effective and it probably would if a couple of thousand people sat outside an office.

Not all media coverage is good though surely? It would just start making the trust look like the SISU out crew rather than the fans group when it shows a few angry looking men standing outside an office?


Well-Known Member
As I've previously stated Nick when ever me or any of our representatives have gone down there on a week day we've been fobbed off and told Dermot/Joy aren't there. So this either means 1. It doesn't matter which day we go on or 2. SISU lied to us.

PSGM1 I'm still WAITING for YOUR response on the MIDLANDS today THREAD.

Who is Dermot?


I preferred the reasonable moderate trust, who tried to engage everyone in dialogue and tried to have a voice regardless, not the militant version we seem to have now.

I agree, I am a member as it was only a quid and haven't been asked for opinions or ideas or anything?

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