Well-Known Member
Are you feeling ok?
Sure am. Think you find this board is infiltrated will council
Worshiping morons actually who have no knowledge about the club at all.
Are you feeling ok?
Sure am. Think you find this board is infiltrated will council
Worshiping morons actually who have no knowledge about the club at all.
Well I think you are a council troll? How old are you? Ill ask a CCFC question instant answer required to prove me wrong.
Think you have been drinking again or your medication is wearing off with so many spelling mistakes
I hope your carer turns up in time to medicate you before you finally tip over the edge
Sure am. Think you find this board is infiltrated will council
Worshiping morons actually who have no knowledge about the club at all.
Nobody is infiltrating the board and nobody is trying to manipula- OBEY THE HYPNOTOAD
I'm still waiting for you to provide evidence to support claims you've made in the past in posts directed at me.
So you are refusing to answer some questions about the club you love? How odd?
So you are refusing to answer some questions about the club you love? How odd?
Im reporting myself Im not sure if Im coming over anti Sis pro Coventry in all its manifistations enough:thinking about:If you see something that looks a bit shady, can you report it so I can look into the account?![]()
Peter Hindley was the player.
Thought James jack or cloughie would have known. Oh well. On the subject of own goals who scored one against stoke and is a current football league manager?
Right so if he's in his car now, unless he posts from his mobile any of us who get a sneaky post in now are safe, right?
Sent from my mobile using SISUtalk
Peter Hindley was the player.
Thought James jack or cloughie would have known. Oh well. On the subject of own goals who scored one against stoke and is a current football league manager?
Think my mind refuses to remember own goals - I'll have a stab at Micky Adams.
It's about the only thing I remember from pressley's playing career with us!
Probably why I struggle to remember much about it!
Actually that's not true - the abiding memory is conceding penalties.....
Never a fondly remembered player!
I'm taking a leaf out of your book. I'm also going home as it's a fairly long journey home and I'd like to be there before it's dark.Nope I see many people make claims and I am not being singled out thanks.
Though to be fair, after the great Colin Stein, did we ever get a decent player from Rangers?
How can you speak ill of Sandy Robertson!
IMO...anyone now talking about "sides" is a complete fool.
People simply disagree on the options available.
I'm Kirk Douglas's son.
Don't get me going - we had Chris Marsden on loan and Phil Bloody Neal spent his transfer kitty on Sandy Bloody Robertson! Moron!
I remember Robertson's debut, at home to QPR (well, I'm fairly sure).
We were awful. As we gave the ball away again, a guy behind me shouted "Where's the midfield" - which drew the response "He's gone to Wolves".
And we thought those days were bad.......
What options do you speak of?
Chris Marsden the best loaneee we ever had in my opinion, though think it was Julian Darby rather than Robertson, though could be wrong on that one?
Agreed - Marsden was superb in the few games he played for us.
Neal did sign Julian " He tackles so hard, he gets a red card" Darby, but that was a month or two before we took Marsden on loan.
Sad thing is I remember all this vividly, but couldn't tell you the score in half of last season's games despite the fact I was there......
Wasn't Robertson half of a pair from Rangers? Can't remember who the other one was though? Sure there were two at the same time signed.
If we did, the other one escapes me.
I remember we were pretty hard up at the time (plus ca change....), but think we spent £250k on Sandy, who never really made the grade.
At least he cost us less than Kevin Drinkell.