So for SISU everything seems to be going to plan.
Refuse to talk to ACL unless they sign the CVA (which will stop any further investigations into the murky waters that is CCFC Ltd).
If ACL sign the CVA SISU will agree to a meeting but with no intent on sorting anything out and continue the Northampton fiasco.
The new stadium is pie in the sky - they will wait 3 to 5 years for ACL to go into admin and then purchase the Ricoh at a knock down price.
They will cream off all the profits from concerts etc for their own pockets.
The football team will be back in Coventry playing at the Ricoh probably playing in League 1 / 2 but with everything run on a shoestring budget.
Refuse to talk to ACL unless they sign the CVA (which will stop any further investigations into the murky waters that is CCFC Ltd).
If ACL sign the CVA SISU will agree to a meeting but with no intent on sorting anything out and continue the Northampton fiasco.
The new stadium is pie in the sky - they will wait 3 to 5 years for ACL to go into admin and then purchase the Ricoh at a knock down price.
They will cream off all the profits from concerts etc for their own pockets.
The football team will be back in Coventry playing at the Ricoh probably playing in League 1 / 2 but with everything run on a shoestring budget.