Will be getting the ps4 ,sony made mistakes with the ps3 after incredible success with the ps2 ,they launched a year late ,made it harder to develop on meaning they missed out on a lot of 3rd party games being made on the system ,However they always made great exclusive titles ,far better than what MS had to offer, they also released a full year after the 360 which was suicide.
This time the ps4 is easier to develop on than the ONE according to many experts ,its up to 40% more powerful , they have revamped the XMB adding cross game chat now too which is a plus not a need,the exclusive titles will again be superior in the long run ,they have naughty dog who created the last of us and uncharted ,2 amazing games .xbox one are banking on Call of duty ,a stale series with zero innovation that will sink faster than the titanic on next gen .Titanfall is looking good though tbf.
80 quid cheaper and more powerful overall, imagine you were buying a phone or laptop ,on those stats why would you choose an xbox one seriously