Nice one. Admittedly the 'synchronisation' is shite, but it's saluting, come on. I wouldn't be in a picture like that in a million years much less have it on my facebook.
It's perfectly open for anyone to see, and if this chap gets any national coverage it could be used.
Now I don't know about you, but I don't want shit like that associated with my club.
I understand that Hill . In the late 70's it was a fad that a lot of people went through not even knowing the meaning of their actions . I was about 10,had a skinhead and bovver boots etc and probably thought I was the dogs bollox then . Probably copied the lads all over the media at the time and Jonny and Sid etc. I am sure I probably pissed about doing this as well . Even Basil Fawlty bought it into the mainstream then .