Labovitch calls for independent ACL valuation (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I wasn't saying ACL are distressing SISU now tbh.

Do you disagree that CCC wanted SISU out?

I don't think an official body had an opinion. The members may have, but that's not the same. Did that impact on their job as councillors is the question.

They can want what they like. What action did they take? What action could anyone take without Sisu's say so? It's a ridiculous statement. As you lot keep saying "you can't pick your owners". What exactly have CCC done to get Sisu out? They didn't even kick them out when they had the legal right to.

It's nonsense and you know it, why do their dirty work for them? Did your bin not get put back in the right place this week?


Well-Known Member
With respect that is not what Tim Fisher who is supposed to be the CEO of the club, stated over and over again at the forums. He was crystal clear with his, 'we have moved on, we have left and we won't be going back'. A message he repeated on local radio.
At the shareholder's meeting a property specialist was introduced to reinforce the new stadium is happening message. There have been several stadium forum meetings held to try and reinforce the,'we are building a new stadium'.
If you don't believe the new stadium scenario, and believe it to be utter nonsense, then you are effectively saying that the current owners are committing a massive deception on the fans,willingly and knowingly.

Yeah! But someone related to the council once suggested something that may or may not be interpreted to be hostile and isn't confirmed and didn't happen anyway!

Get some perspective man!

Jack Griffin

Apart from an email read out in court. Please find evidence that SISU on getting hold of the Ricoh would charge the club a crippling rent while you're at it.

The (unsurprising) absence of a clear statement by SISU on their intentions is no proof or guarantee that they won't either.

You believe they'll charge a peppercorn rent if you like, I won't, rather I am wary of the consequences of having a hedge fund as a landlord.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't saying ACL are distressing SISU now tbh.

Do you disagree that CCC wanted SISU out?

I'm glad that we're clear that ACL aren't distressing SISU at the moment - it seemed that you were suggesting that they were somehow.

With regard to the past, I think it's fairly reasonable to assume that at the point when SISU stopped paying the rent and starting threatening liquidation most of the parties involved would have been happy to see them to be replaced by someone more amenable to negotiation. Up until then there's no real interest in SISU from CCC is there, and in any case no real potential to change things.

Are you suggesting CCC engineered the rent strike and those threats so that they could attempt to get rid of SISU?


Well-Known Member
I'm glad that we're clear that ACL aren't distressing SISU at the moment - it seemed that you were suggesting that they were somehow.

With regard to the past, I think it's fairly reasonable to assume that at the point when SISU stopped paying the rent and starting threatening liquidation most of the parties involved would have been happy to see them to be replaced by someone more amenable to negotiation. Up until then there's no real interest in SISU from CCC is there, and in any case no real potential to change things.

Are you suggesting CCC engineered the rent strike and those threats so that they could attempt to get rid of SISU?

There was a suggestion that CCC were originally complicit in the rent strike. Something changed at some point and it'll be interesting to see what it was.


Well-Known Member
Grendel's the slavish obsessive here, which is why I ignore him. Everything for him is about the council. I'm guessing he went to the toilet once and they didn't come round to flush it for him. Or he's just a troll - because as soon as he gets challenged for evidence he throws out a couple of insults, a couple of strange questions, and then runs away. Watch and see.

As for GMK, I know a few people on there in real life. They're top lads, and we've had a few pints together in the past. If Grendel is as much of an arse in person as is he is on this forum then I doubt they'd have much time for him either.

Nope never run away and never avoid answering questions.

Your statements are steeped in irony. You are the slavish defender of the council and will swoop and swerve and dig out as much evidence as possible to defend them.

I never understand the troll argument. To me its the argument of the lazy and the defeated. What would your definition of a troll be on a football site? Someone who takes the side of the club and whose sole objective is the return to the Ricoh or someone who would only want them back if they were "fair" to a third party? A third party that have been distinctly unfair to them in the past.

I never in any of your posts see any association or emotional attachment to the club. I never see any statement that even could remotely seem you as a supporter.

Your frequent argument of breaking the lease being a bad thing is ultimately disturbing. Even the most die hard of council trolls (there easy to throw the cheap and lazy insult isn't it?) accept the rent was too high. Yet you are a frequent opponent of this stance.

You see I'm not interested in "right" or "wrong" - I am purely interested in the club. If there was some collateral damage on the way to third parties why would I care?

That's the difference - one poster purely interested in the club - the other not interested at all.


Well-Known Member
Nope never run away and never avoid answering questions.

Your statements are steeped in irony. You are the slavish defender of the council and will swoop and swerve and dig out as much evidence as possible to defend them.

I never understand the troll argument. To me its the argument of the lazy and the defeated. What would your definition of a troll be on a football site? Someone who takes the side of the club and whose sole objective is the return to the Ricoh or someone who would only want them back if they were "fair" to a third party? A third party that have been distinctly unfair to them in the past.

I never in any of your posts see any association or emotional attachment to the club. I never see any statement that even could remotely seem you as a supporter.

Your frequent argument of breaking the lease being a bad thing is ultimately disturbing. Even the most die hard of council trolls (there easy to throw the cheap and lazy insult isn't it?) accept the rent was too high. Yet you are a frequent opponent of this stance.

You see I'm not interested in "right" or "wrong" - I am purely interested in the club. If there was some collateral damage on the way to third parties why would I care?

That's the difference - one poster purely interested in the club - the other not interested at all.

1) I think your view of a troll is incorrect.

2) The issue with you Grendel is you never simply offer your opinion. Instead you insult people for their opinion.

3) ^ That is a troll.


Well-Known Member
1) I think your view of a troll is incorrect.

2) The issue with you Grendel is you never simply offer your opinion. Instead you insult people for their opinion.

3) ^ That is a troll.

What do you think my view of CCC and ACL is?


Well-Known Member
You know you are on a football forum right?

So you won't answer.

I give my opinions and people just don't like it. To suggest i do not is ansurd. Their hatred for the owners means they'd now rather see the club disappear then retain said owners.

As for insults I suggest you take a good look around at the behaviour of some other people on here. They take insults to a whole new level. "Spineless", "traitor", "sisu posee" "sisu rent boys" - I think you are getting the picture.


Well-Known Member
What do you think my view of CCC and ACL is?

Because you claim not to run away from questions why don't you tell us what your view is of ACL and CCC?


Well-Known Member
You see I'm not interested in "right" or "wrong" - I am purely interested in the club. If there was some collateral damage on the way to third parties why would I care?

Replace 'club' with 'return on investment'; and make 'third parties' the football club - and that's a statement that Fisher might make in private.

Which is the irony in your whole stance


Well-Known Member
So you won't answer.

I give my opinions and people just don't like it. To suggest i do not is ansurd. Their hatred for the owners means they'd now rather see the club disappear then retain said owners.

As for insults I suggest you take a good look around at the behaviour of some other people on here. They take insults to a whole new level. "Spineless", "traitor", "sisu posee" "sisu rent boys" - I think you are getting the picture.

When did I condone the behaviour of others? This is not the place to assume.

I wont answer to a question relating to your opinion?!

For what it is worth: To answer the original question, I don't know what your view of them is. I for one have never picked up on you stating your specific opinion of them. I would assume (note what I said previously) that you have a dislike towards them.

It is moronic to suggest that people on here would rather the club dissapear, than retain current owners and return to the Ricoh. Everyone has made mistakes here and the fans have to pay. Should anyone have to bend over backwards to resolve this issue? No.


Well-Known Member
Surely, you can replace every word in a sentence to make it says something else? For example your quote below says "I'm a smug, condescending git who makes out he knows it all". Admittedly, I did omit a few words.

Replace 'club' with 'return on investment'; and make 'third parties' the football club - and that's a statement that Fisher might make in private.

Which is the irony in your whole stance


Well-Known Member
Replace 'club' with 'return on investment'; and make 'third parties' the football club - and that's a statement that Fisher might make in private.

Which is the irony in your whole stance

The third parties that I don't care about are, Cayman Isles Investors, SISU Capital Investors, Joy's friends, Joy's family and Joy's personal earnings. The third parties that CCFC have to live with as long as they are known as "Coventry City", are the fans, the landlords, the council and, for the moment, the charity.

Therefore it is important to maintain some sort of relationship to them in the interest of CCFC. Our club.

I am surprised that Grendel isn't of that opinion.


Well-Known Member
Surely, you can replace every word in a sentence to make it says something else? For example your quote below says "I'm a smug, condescending git who makes out he knows it all". Admittedly, I did omit a few words.

No, it's exactly the same. One of the paradoxes about the situation is Grendel - and his minions (present company included) - offering unconditional support of the owners, seeing them as 'the club'.

Thinking - wrongly - that they are interested in the best interests of 'the club', when they are only interested in their best interests of 'their business'. And even when you can see, with your own tiny, pigletty eyes, the club suffer to serve the better interests of the business; you still cannot see how perverse and counterproductive your infantile, short-sighted cheerleading is.

With respect to the wisdom of your choices, naturally....


Well-Known Member
There was a suggestion that CCC were originally complicit in the rent strike. Something changed at some point and it'll be interesting to see what it was.

I think you need to read the trial transcripts again. Fisher wanted everyone to agree to the rent strike/escrow drawdown in his initial roadmap meeting. Within a short period it was clear that people weren't going to go along with this - that's also in the transcripts. SISU went ahead anyway, ACL took them to court a couple of times, which would seem to suggest a distinct lack of agreement.

To suggest that the Council encouraged SISU to not pay the rent, so that they could then force them out is ludicrous, sorry.


Well-Known Member
It would appear SBJ is my spokesman

I don't think you need a spokesman, so answer he question. You know the questions you never run from?

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