Its just brinkmanship.
Both are playing games and trying to score points. No doubt Hoffman will tell his side of the story in the Telegraph at some point. People are naive if they believe the statement from the club is 100% accurate - just as they will be if they believe everything Hoffman says when he gets round to it.
Actually, the truth is, nothing has happened and nothing is changing, and we'll be the last ones to know about it anyway - hardly groundbreaking or surprising is it. Nothing is going to happen quickly on this, its going to drag on probably for the duration of the season. I think the best we can hope for is that something happens before christmas once the transfer window is out of the way.
Personally i hope the protests carry on and gather speed. People say there is no point protesting against SISU but why not? Protest can work if it is done properly, but it needs to be organised, there needs to be an objective, etc, etc. There can be no better way to protest against SISU than by showing undying support for the team, the club, the manager but NOT THE BOARD OR THE OWNERS. It creates distance between the owners and the club. Its not easy, but it can be done.
This club will continue to decline unless investment is found - if SISU aren't willing to invest in the team - and i don't mean fund whats there, cause thats just standing still, and if we do that we'll go down. But we need to move forward, that takes money, and if they don't have it or can't get it, then we need someone who does - whether its Hoffman or someone else.