CCFC Statement on offal (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
SISU do not want bad publicity... trust me.

Protest is the best way.

Before - during - after the game.

Troops need to gather. Time to really turn the heat on them.



Well-Known Member
If Sisu decide to do one, who and what are we left with?

Hasnt this alerady been answered.

New investors hoping to pick the club up on the cheap, with money to invest in the team/stadium instead of clearing SISUS debts and paying them any profit.

Whether you agree with that or not there will be those like me who will disagree with you and want SISU gone, and feel this will be when investors step in.


I'll take admin over SISU even if we do go down.

As for Hoffman, surely all he should have to do is show proof of funds. Why should he tell SISU who his investors are. Why don't SISU tell us who their's are?


New Member
SISU are doing an admin job already, stripping us of a assets, cutting costs, selling players (or releasing),etc... The only difference is the 10 point deduction!!!!!

JE is on CWR now and is saying that the Chairman of the new investors WAS there!!!! so it sounds like orange Ken's arse is talking again!


Paxman II

Well-Known Member
SISU are the present incumbents and it's entirely up to any investors to put their offers in a formal package showing both intent and backing that intent with talks and meetings that are designed to produce substance and not waste every bodies time.

So far Hoffman has acted (from what I see so far) in a completely unprofessional manner and as Delieu has stated in the process leading supporters to be getting lots of unsubstantiated hopes up and simply helping to cast SISU in a bad light tbh.

SISU are open to bids and investors so will some one who IS interested get and and provide something serious or just go away and let SISU at least keep funding the club until we see a chink of light?

We made a bid involving cash and a player for Le Fondre that was turned down. They are willling to fund (however small) so lets stop announcing there is NO MONEY. At least there is some and lets hope if Hofman and his cronies (which I find ever less likely now) or any other investor/s will be along shortly....and get behind the team!


Chief Commentator!
Havent read all replies to this post so sorry if im duplicating something thats already been said / asked.

reading the club statement it would seen that SISU want to see people before they start discussing figures. Why would that be? If they had interest in the club, which they blatently havent, I could understand. But surely its only the football league who need to see people before figures??

This take-over / investment saga has taken more turns than our usual inconstant form (altho so far this season, we've been everythin but inconsistant. Unfortunate tho that we've been consistantly bad)


Well-Known Member
Had they wanted to make the survival of the club easier or even a proper business strategy to at least give the squad a chance they could have sanctioned a couple of loan players at £5K pw each

Do you know with any certaincy there is no money for loan players?
I think there is, but it takes time to make it happen for various reasons. I guess we will draft in 2 or three after the shop window closes. Hopefully before the first game after the international break.


Well-Known Member
"want to put 100 per cent of our efforts into supporting Andy Thorn, Steve Harrison and the team, and turning the club around."

Bull shit, I don't care if Hoffman was full of rubbish. We are still going nowhere but down under SISU ownership.

Jack Griffin

They are all playing hardball.

I hope Harry Shaw & other local businesses don't allow the club to run up a tab, they will probably not get it back, thats what Incester did to their local businesses.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Its just brinkmanship.

Both are playing games and trying to score points. No doubt Hoffman will tell his side of the story in the Telegraph at some point. People are naive if they believe the statement from the club is 100% accurate - just as they will be if they believe everything Hoffman says when he gets round to it.

Actually, the truth is, nothing has happened and nothing is changing, and we'll be the last ones to know about it anyway - hardly groundbreaking or surprising is it. Nothing is going to happen quickly on this, its going to drag on probably for the duration of the season. I think the best we can hope for is that something happens before christmas once the transfer window is out of the way.

Personally i hope the protests carry on and gather speed. People say there is no point protesting against SISU but why not? Protest can work if it is done properly, but it needs to be organised, there needs to be an objective, etc, etc. There can be no better way to protest against SISU than by showing undying support for the team, the club, the manager but NOT THE BOARD OR THE OWNERS. It creates distance between the owners and the club. Its not easy, but it can be done.

This club will continue to decline unless investment is found - if SISU aren't willing to invest in the team - and i don't mean fund whats there, cause thats just standing still, and if we do that we'll go down. But we need to move forward, that takes money, and if they don't have it or can't get it, then we need someone who does - whether its Hoffman or someone else.

Good post harvest !!!

Senior Vick from Alicante

Well-Known Member
IMO for what its worth we shouldnt be bickering between ourselves and name calling its pointless. Vent your anger at the pricks in charge by joining the protest at 2pm, if we show the passion to SISU thats been expressed in this thread they might start getting edgy. In the long run I believe the Hoffs consortium will be our new owners before the end of the year. The longer SISU tough it out the worse their reputation for having sound business acumen suffers. Look at potential investors in SISU, why would you give a company your money when they are loosing £500 000 a month on one of your most high profile investments? It also shows a basic lack of know how if you would want to continue funding an investment thats loosing money when their is a way out that would limit your losses. I believe the saleable assets on the playing side will be gone by the end of this window so SISU leave with 3-4 million in their pocket, if you include sell on fees we will be entitled to. Its going to be tough going until the January window by which time AT should be in a position to strengthen. The brinkmanship thats going on at the moment is just that but all it does is divide us true sky blues so until we have the facts KEEP THE FAITH.:laugh:


New Member
I think Hoffman made an offer to Sisu to buy. Sisu deemed this offer unsuitable and are holding on to get more investment back, playing for a better deal, Hoffman knows if he waits and we go into admin he can get the club for pretty much the same as his original offer, and with a little investment in the squad would stand a fighting chance at least of avoiding the drop, as it would be a much harder task to build from a division down also his investors may not be so willing to pump money into a division one club. I think that Sisu are playing the relegation card to force a better deal from Hoffman. Sisu are no mugs as much as i dislike them..
We are going down the way things stand... We know it, Sisu knows it any potential buyers or investors know it. Why else would Sisu allow a football club they own to become certain relegation candidates for the sake of bringing in one or two players that would make all the difference.. Because Sisu refused Hoffmans offer He is waiting for admin and Sisu are saying, come up with a better offer or You will be buying a division one club..


Well-Known Member
Oooh because Joey poos has come out on the radio? Get real mate, both are full of shit. Sisu are our owners,
Without them there would be no CCFC. Deal with it.

Well I don't quite trust either of them either. Not quite what you were posting though was it! :whistle::thinking about::claping hands:


New Member
I totally agree, Hoffman is just playing, If we have a debt and he has multi-million pound investors to invest in ccfc, why don't they pay half what is owed to sisu, and then give them the rest when we get promotion to the premiershp.


New Member
Cannot believe anyone seriously wants SISU to remain in charge...Love City Hate SISU... Had enough of them they are killing my/our club...simple.

We have a may not make a difference in the short term, but if we start tomorrow, before the Game, it might just start a turn around, I don't know Hoff but he must be a better bet than SISU, who are asset stripping what little we have. I definitely don't think we should get on the teams back but ROAR our team on to a win!!



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