Council admits Ricoh Arena was not sustainable without CCFC (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Ah yeah, because I said "That makes it perfectly ok for SISU to it". It was quite clearly taking the piss wasn't it? Christ.

Did you really think it was serious?

You're making excuses for them in the same way my 5 year old does so I'll give you the same reply.

"If CCC jumped in a fire would SISU do it"

Grow up.

Forgot to say. You didn't put your usual winking man. So yes its clear you were being serious.

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Well-Known Member
Is it? Is it really? How?

CCC are a public body responsible to the residents and taxpayers of the city. They have outright lied to those people. It could also be argued they have done irreparable long term damage to both the cities football club and rugby club.

Many residents and taxpayers of the city supported the action taken by the council on the basis of the information being provided, information that was false. Had the truth been told, which would in essence have meant what Tim Fisher was saying about ACL was correct, would the response have been different, instead of ridiculing Fisher and supporting the council would there have been pressure on the council to sell the Ricoh at a reasonable price to the football club? Hard to know but a possibility and if that had been the case we may well be sitting here now as owners of the stadium.

SISU are a hedge fund responsible to their investors. In all probability they have lied to us about a new stadium but that can't be 100% proven one way or another until they either build the stadium or sell the club. Virtually no one believed what they were being told and those that did, such as those on the new stadium group, were openly ridiculed for believing what they were being told.

You can see a difference between those can't you?


You're making excuses for them in the same way my 5 year old does so I'll give you the same reply.

"If CCC jumped in a fire would SISU do it"

Grow up.

Forgot to say. You didn't put your usual winking �� man. So yes its clear you were being serious.

I was quite clearly taking the piss? It was quite clearly not me actually making an excuse for anybody.

Are you struggling today? Everybody a bit tetchy in the council house?*

*I don't actually think you are there, it was just tongue in cheek. Thought I would put a disclaimer.


If you say so ;)


Are you related to Ann? That is nearly as uncomfortable as her U Turn.


Well-Known Member
Is it? Is it really? How?

You can be as angry as you like about this but at least she's got grace enough to put her hands up when she's been caught out. That's more than you can say about SISU. They just keep going with the same line. In my eyes that's even worse. They think we're stupid enough to keep buying that line otherwise why would they keep regurgitating it?

Easy to tell the truth after the fact. She's stitched us up, excuse me if I don't congratulate her on being honest now.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell if they are real tears on his keyboard or from the cemex dust cloud spewing all over his town.


She added: "It was never likely that ACL would be able to replace this loss of revenue overnight. In addition to losing rental income from the club, ACL was also been faced with a significant level of additional expenditure required to protect its position through the various legal challenges it has faced during this period."However, councillors recognised the transition that ACL would need to make in order to be viable without the Sky Blues back when making the decision to refinance the loan to ACL in January 2013 when this first looked a possibility.
"The decision taken then, and reiterated by me in the subsequent months, demonstrated our confidence in the underlying business and the ability of ACL to generate new revenues to be able to flourish and continue to provide a world class sports and entertainment venue for the people of Coventry preferably with, but if not then without, the Sky Blues.

So she was making it up?

As the example says earlier, I am just going to be confident about winning the lottery at the weekend.

I notice she has added in a dig about legal costs, no doubt that will mean everything she says is instantly fact now.


Well-Known Member
There are a few that could have been called very pro-CCC/Higgs over the whole saga, such as Chiefdave, Duffer, James Smith, who(though always well argued) were very vociferous in their defence.

Since the whole Wasps saga has come about they've come to the realisation that all wasn't maybe as painted by the main protaganists and have looked at the whole thing more objectively, not as a "Sisu" or "ACL/Higgs/CCC" 100% black and white issue.

Fair play to them for that, shown that their views on franchising, supporting local clubs and communities etc are genuine and not just thrown out to make some sort of point.

Wonder why some can't look at things in the same manner.


Well-Known Member
Dear Ann

I do hope that come early May that you find yourself without employment.

Yours sincerely,

The football club and it's fans you sold down the river you lying hypocrite


There are a few that could have been called very pro-CCC/Higgs over the whole saga, such as Chiefdave, Duffer, James Smith, who(though always well argued) were very vociferous in their defence.

Since the whole Wasps saga has come about they've come to the realisation that all wasn't maybe as painted by the main protaganists and have looked at the whole thing more objectively, not as a "Sisu" or "ACL/Higgs/CCC" 100% black and white issue.

Fair play to them for that, shown that their views on franchising, supporting local clubs and communities etc are genuine and not just thrown out to make some sort of point.

Wonder why some can't look at things in the same manner.

That's the thing and I think when people are like that you can't help but take notice can you?


Well-Known Member
Surely when grendel said that he had no way to see into the future, where as ccc could easily see how their busiNess was gOing money on month. Do businesses really only check the money situation once a year?

I ran a small business, I could quite easily tell you how much it would damage if I lost a certain client. Surely a big company with proper accountants and actual business people could see that?

Its the same as sisu would have known in the first month at sixfields how much damage it was doing.

Well you and your friends are not having a great day are you?

Incidentally my comment was based on the assumption the company would be sold on the same terms - namely £12 million and the loan for a 40 year lease. The subsequent fire sale was not in the equation and does prove the half share really was worthless on the terms they were really offered.

Lucas says there were no concerns the tax payer loan would not be repayed. Unfortunately for Lucas her credibility is now in the rubbish bin. Her ability for duplicity and total disregard for the implications of her actions make her unfit for purpose.

The irony if course is for duplicity, disregard for customers, arrogance and sheer incompetence she makes dear old Tim and Joy seem amateurs in the game.

A tear is forming as I speak - I'm so proud.

Edit: my post if course was meant as a response to a post from MMM. Or was it tony or perhaps Italia - why even council jack is hiding away and Schmeee is so lacking in the courage of his council convictions he is in hibernation
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Well you and your friends are not having a great day are you?

Incidentally my comment was based on the assumption the company would be sold on the same terms - namely £12 million and the loan for a 40 year lease. The subsequent fire sale was not in the equation and does prove the half share really was worthless on the terms they were really offered.

Lucas says there were no concerns the tax payer loan would not be repayed. Unfortunately for Lucas her credibility is now in the rubbish bin. Her ability for duplicity and total disregard for the implications of her actions make her unfit for purpose.

The irony if course is for duplicity, disregard for customers, arrogance and sheer incompetence she makes dear old Tim and Joy seem amateurs in the game.

A tear is forming as I speak - I'm so proud.
Me and my friends had a great day, went down the gym for a bit, a swim.

They had to be in for 5 for their tea though :(


Well-Known Member
Swings and Roundabouts though aint it, there were a few on here a bit queasy after the JR result came in.

SISU and Council both outdoing each other levels of distrustfulness at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Not only a lying hypocrite, but an unintelligent fucktard to boot!!

I know. Everyone she croaks in an interview I find it cringe making that she represents the city of my birth.

How is the city ever going to be taken seriously with her at the helm?


Well-Known Member
Easy to tell the truth after the fact. She's stitched us up, excuse me if I don't congratulate her on being honest now.

I didn't say you should. Just pointing out that she at least has enough grace to put her hands up when caught out. Unlike you know who.


I'm sure that CCC and that hag Lucas know full well that CCFC would have snapped their hands off for the chance to purchase it for £5.54M.
Seppala and Fisher bith made it quite clear that they wanted the unencumbered freehold. Wasps were happy to acquire a leasehold interest.

Lucas publicly invited Seppala to come along and talk with a view to making an offer but she and Fisher made it quite clear that the "ship had sailed" and they maintained all along that their preferred option was to build a new stadium.

Incidentally, where are they with that preferred option?

M&B Stand

Well-Known Member
I didn't say you should. Just pointing out that she at least has enough grace to put her hands up when caught out. Unlike you know who.

Are you gonna put your hand up and accept you've been a bit gullible accepting any of the tall tales to come out of the council house?


Well-Known Member
Not really. I'm finding it really funny seeing all these posters who struggle to muster up a
sentence of criticism towards our owners despite their obvious failings now real essays of over this.

I think you owe a few people on here an apology Tony, if only you were man enough. How proud you were that the council 'won' , its a pity you couldn't see what they did to the club because of your SISU obsession. Do you get it now?
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Well-Known Member
It wouldn't have been a good deal without ccfc getting back paying rent and bringing in punters. With ccfc back ACL are close to cash flow neutral - then add the revenues and sponsor deals Wasps bring in themselves.

So the question still not answered: Was ccfc brought back to secure the deal with Wasps?
It looks plausible.

So the Observer had the good sense of asking:

Was it councillors' understanding when agreeing to the deal that the Wasps' business case was predicated on double occupancy, and CCFC remaining as tenants?
And see how eloquently the question is avoided and yet actually in a backward way proves my suspicion:

ANSWER: "CCFC do remain as tenants of ACL under the terms of a licence agreement they signed with ACL which remains in force. ACL’s business case will of course include this."
(Read more: Did Coventry council leader Lucas mislead taxpayers over Ricoh? | Coventry Observer )

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