I might be talking out of my arse here but I was reading something this morning that sparked half an idea in the 'ol grey matter.
The article was about a small business that had diversified in order to survive the crash, realising that their premises were only used for their core business Monday to Friday they made use of the space to host events and stuff over the weekends...................seems like a good idea, broaden your scope etc, better chances of survival. Everyone with me so far........................ sounds a bit like a football stadium doesnt it.
Thing is, i also read something the other day (check me out with the learning!) from some football chairman or other, doesnt matter who, who was saying that stadiums are as much a hindrance as a help to a club because they are big and expensive to maintain and while you can use them for other stuff to boost your income they are limited as to what you can do with them and using them for concerts etc can knacker your pitch causing you more problems..........
So, if you are still awake, my question is this. Does the club really need a stadium in order to earn additional income? What if that income could come from other sources.........
Whats to stop the club buying up land and opening it as a car park or a leisure centre, shops or even building houses on it? Is there anything that says a football club cant own office space to rent out etc? The Ricoh will hopefully be getting a train station soon but someone has to run the franchise for the trains, what if the club owned that franchise and the profits from the fairs went back in to the club?
Like I say, perhaps there are all sorts of reasons why those things cant or shouldnt happen, i am no expert in any of this, but it does seem that building a new stadium is both difficult and expensive and counter productive when the Ricoh is already there. So if we can play at the Ricoh for a reasonable rent but have no responsibility for its upkeep AND still make money from owning other assets then wouldnt that make a lot more sense?