SCG Meeting (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Why is it irrelevant? Try not being a tit yourself and make a point if you have one? I was asking the question, that's all.

It can take up to two years to get one. I've just had a quick read of the Financial Conduct Authority's webpage. They now issue licences instead of the Office of Fair Trading. Any firm offering consumer credit has to re-apply by the looks, hence the backlog.

As for the ARVO master fund. As the fund is investors money, they'd expect a return so interest would be charged at a high rate. It's highly unlikely they've got a CCL and would have to apply like any firm.


Well-Known Member
It can take up to two years to get one. I've just had a quick read of the Financial Conduct Authority's webpage. They now yissue licences instead of the Office of Fair Trading. Any firm offering consumer credit has to re-apply by the looks, hence the backlog.

As for the ARVO master fund. As the fund is investors money, they'd expect a return so interest would be charged at a high rate. It's highly unlikely they've got a CCL and would have to apply like any firm.

See. That's much more relevant than just making a post calling someone a "tit", correction "fucking tit".

Thankyou for a proper reply to my question. I can see how that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
I guess that the next question the SCG should be asking the club is for clarification on where the club is with a CCL. Has one actually been applied for? How far along are we in that process (Given, it's apparently a two year process)? Is it likely to be in place for the start of next season? Or even for buying half season tickets as Xmas presents?
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Well-Known Member
I guess that the next question the SCG should be asking the club is for clarification on where the club is with a CCL. Has one actually been applied for? How far along are we in that process (Given, it's apparently a two year process)? Is it likely to be in place for the start of next season? Or even for buying half season tickets as Xmas presents?

The FCA will not give you any date when your application will be looked let alone considered


Well-Known Member
Like I said I missed the start of the meeting when this was discussed so don't know reason given for CCFC or I guess Otium not being able to get CCL but I believe that it would be possible to offer easy payment scheme to supporters if it was simply done without interest being charged. No financial expert but seems like an option to attract more season ticket sales

Even zero interest loans are caught under CCL rules. What happens if a person defaults, or their payment bounces or is simply forgotten? Does the lender have rights of recovery or penalty charges etc and how is consumer protected from excessive recovery rights?

A question to the Club as to how many people ever took up the loan scheme when in operation might be interesting


Well-Known Member
sorry. I will give it 110% and run it up the flag pole to see what comes down. Moving forward I will try and push the envelope to maximise the impact of the posts

You'll probably need some blue sky thinking, or a helicopter view.


Well-Known Member
It can take up to two years to get one. I've just had a quick read of the Financial Conduct Authority's webpage. They now issue licences instead of the Office of Fair Trading. Any firm offering consumer credit has to re-apply by the looks, hence the backlog.

As for the ARVO master fund. As the fund is investors money, they'd expect a return so interest would be charged at a high rate. It's highly unlikely they've got a CCL and would have to apply like any firm.

This is is a really useful post, I just wish the club had explained this rather than some vague statement like we haven't been able to get one.


Well-Known Member
This is is a really useful post, I just wish the club had explained this rather than some vague statement like we haven't been able to get one.

This is what the club said in June

Direct Debit & Finance

Is there a direct debit or finance option for Season Tickets this season?

Currently we cannot offer a finance option. We have applied for a Consumer Credit Licence, which we need to have to be able to offer a credit finance option.

How long will it take for the club to be granted a Consumer Credit Licence?

The application for a licence usually takes 8 – 12 weeks for a decision to be made by the regulatory bodies. However, a licence can generally take upto 6 months, while in some circumstances it can take 12 months. As of 1st June, there is no further update to this.

Why does the club not currently have a Consumer Credit Licence?

The previous licence was held by Coventry City Football Club (Holdings) Limited, the previous operating company. As Otium Entertainment Group trading as Coventry City Football Club is now the operating company of the club, a new licence is required.

Why did the club not apply for a licence earlier?

Companies must complete an extensive application for the Consumer Credit Licence, which includes full operating accounts. As Otium Entertainment Group trading as Coventry City Football Club’s first year of trading accounts was submitted in February 2015, it was only after this date that we could apply for the licence.


Well-Known Member
Having looked through the thread I am guessing the club are still wasting money on tea and biscuits on this little band of merry men and ladies and the group is not being disbanded, whoever from the club who said we are privaliged to have this group should be put on the pitch before the Wigan game to see the reception they get when they say it in front of our fans.

Wrong! There is more insight and answers from this group - like them or not than the Trust have gathered in 3 years.


Well-Known Member
In my personal opinion yes but I am no longer anything to do with the Trust board. I think these are perilous times for the club and at the end of the day owners will come and go but supporters will always remain, we are in a massive hole (who dug it and who filled it is now history and to keep raking over old ground is a waste of time, effort and ultimately futile - we all have our own opinions and no amount of internet or pub discussion is going to change the current predicament).

We are no longer a big club (potentially yes but currently no) and we have to start acting accordingly - maybe it needs some Dunkirk style spirit - all in this shit together etc. SISU aren't going anywhere soon, they have no interest in the club bar its a vehicle for legal actions - should they act like responsible owners and be spending their money on the club rather than lawyers yes but they're not going to no matter how hard we bleat or protest because they appear to see a better financial return through the courts than through football

So yes I feel its time to put our differences aside, stop crying over spilt milk, what's done is done, our club is in the shit and we need to work together to save it - not for SISU but for ourselves, our families and for future generations to come (at that point fireworks and cannons need to explode !!!)(lets face it neither the owners nor the council nor the FL or anyone else is going to help)

Perhaps the Telegraph could wait for a year and see how the campaign progresses and if its doing well, give it a hashtag(#inthis shittogether)? and then claim all the credit?

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
Wrong! There is more insight and answers from this group - like them or not than the Trust have gathered in 3 years.

Maybe because the club have no time for the trust as they ask the difficult questions, rather than this little group who ask the questions the club want to answer as most are connected to the club. Also the trust costs the fans or is self funding, this group is funded by the club probably at little cost but still a cost.

I don't think the trust has been brilliant but the board is elected but I would rather have that than this little closed shop of unelected people who seem to think they can speak on behalf of the fans.


Well-Known Member
Maybe because the club have no time for the trust as they ask the difficult questions, rather than this little group who ask the questions the club want to answer as most are connected to the club. Also the trust costs the fans or is self funding, this group is funded by the club probably at little cost but still a cost.

I don't think the trust has been brilliant but the board is elected but I would rather have that than this little closed shop of unelected people who seem to think they can speak on behalf of the fans.

I believe there is room for both organisations - the Trust has an important role in being a critical friend of the club, looking at the bigger picture whilst the SCG is more to do with the day to day issues of match days etc. There will be some overlap between the two but they are distinct and different. To be truly taken seriously and have a mandate the SCG should be elected from among those it should really represent - how exactly is what needs discussion. In its present state the SCG opens itself up to constant criticism as a clique of hand picked sycophants (this isn't true but its how some perceive it) and needs a better format to be truly effective. Other clubs have similar groups and we need to look at these and see what works, what doesn't and create a Sky Blue version for ourselves. Interaction and communication between club and fans is important if we are to create a new Sky Blue revolution - anything less will simply allow us to continue on a downwards spiral to god knows where - but it doesn't bare thinking about.


Well-Known Member
I believe there is room for both organisations - the Trust has an important role in being a critical friend of the club, looking at the bigger picture whilst the SCG is more to do with the day to day issues of match days etc. There will be some overlap between the two but they are distinct and different. To be truly taken seriously and have a mandate the SCG should be elected from among those it should really represent - how exactly is what needs discussion. In its present state the SCG opens itself up to constant criticism as a clique of hand picked sycophants (this isn't true but its how some perceive it) and needs a better format to be truly effective. Other clubs have similar groups and we need to look at these and see what works, what doesn't and create a Sky Blue version for ourselves. Interaction and communication between club and fans is important if we are to create a new Sky Blue revolution - anything less will simply allow us to continue on a downwards spiral to god knows where - but it doesn't bare thinking about.

The SCG will have no relevance whilst Peter Ward is in anyway involved with them.


Well-Known Member
Wrong! There is more insight and answers from this group - like them or not than the Trust have gathered in 3 years.

we have two places on the SCG and it was originally founded by the SBT, also many members of the SCG are Trust members. Most information is via Trust people.

Deleted member 5849

The SCG will have no relevance whilst Peter Ward is in anyway involved with them.

His view's as valid as any. If (as sounds like it) his chairing of the group improves to keeping a meeting going, rather than letting it get personal, then his view's as valid as any. The concern's been his charing from my POV rather than any view or otherwie he may have.

As for elections to the group, depends what the group's there for. If it's a conduit for information to be disseminated to fans' groups then yep, absolutely.

If, however, it's for the club to gain a range of opinions and get some research into a broad cross-section of views then... absolutely not.

Only the club knows what it wants the group to be and, if the club doesn't know that, then it needs to work it out sharp-ish, or disband it.


Well-Known Member
His view's as valid as any. If (as sounds like it) his chairing of the group improves to keeping a meeting going, rather than letting it get personal, then his view's as valid as any. The concern's been his charing from my POV rather than any view or otherwie he may have.

As for elections to the group, depends what the group's there for. If it's a conduit for information to be disseminated to fans' groups then yep, absolutely.

If, however, it's for the club to gain a range of opinions and get some research into a broad cross-section of views then... absolutely not.

Only the club knows what it wants the group to be and, if the club doesn't know that, then it needs to work it out sharp-ish, or disband it.

My views are as valid as any

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
I believe there is room for both organisations - the Trust has an important role in being a critical friend of the club, looking at the bigger picture whilst the SCG is more to do with the day to day issues of match days etc. There will be some overlap between the two but they are distinct and different. To be truly taken seriously and have a mandate the SCG should be elected from among those it should really represent - how exactly is what needs discussion. In its present state the SCG opens itself up to constant criticism as a clique of hand picked sycophants (this isn't true but its how some perceive it) and needs a better format to be truly effective. Other clubs have similar groups and we need to look at these and see what works, what doesn't and create a Sky Blue version for ourselves. Interaction and communication between club and fans is important if we are to create a new Sky Blue revolution - anything less will simply allow us to continue on a downwards spiral to god knows where - but it doesn't bare thinking about.

Thank you for your response AshbyJan, if the scg is for stadium matters only then that is fine as they will never have any impact as we are always going to be controlled by our landlords (even when we move to our new ground hah hah) and the match day experience for many is go to the game watch the game go home as that is all time allows. Is this not the group that had a couple of its members sit in on the board meeting if it is surely that is beyond what the group is about?

I tend to think that Ward is toxic and if removed there may be a little more respect from the fans towards the group and if they dropped a few directly employed club staff as well that would help, is the scg meeting an open meeting and do they take questions from the floor?


Well-Known Member
That's exactly what I said.

So you are saying the SCG decisions and strategy are the same as the trusts - ok Tony - I don't think that the trust will agree with you there Tony but I'm sure you are right.

They are equal in effectiveness and fan representation so you may for once have a point.

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