Watched a few over the last week.
In no particular order :
Breaking ( just dropped on Netflix )
John Boyega is sensational in the lead, as the film depicts an ex Gulf War veteran, who takes two bank clerks hostage, as a protest at his treatment by the Army Veterans Association.
Based on a true story, no special effects or CGI, just good honest film making.
The Infernal Machine ( Film4 )
A really strange film, in that Guy Pearce is spellbinding in the lead, but the film is absolute rubbish !
Pearce plays a reclusive English author ( his Northern accent is spot on ), who has dropped out and is living off grid somewhere by the US / Mexico border and is being stalked / menaced by what appears to be a super fan.
Despite Pearce`s stellar efforts, the film somehow manages to be flat, dull and boring until the very last part of the and by then it`s too late to save it.
Nightmare Alley ( another on Film4 )
Guilermo del Torro doesn`t make many duds, but this is a shocker.
The Film follows a fairground grifter masquerading as a clairvoyant, as he cons his way into the big time.
An amazing cast, inc Cate Blanchard, Bradley Cooper and Willem Dafoe, beautiful sets and cinematography, everything you`d expect from a del Torro film ?
Wrong, it`s at three hours it`s a at least an hour too long, the first part of the film is good, the middle part non existent and dull and the film picks up again towards the end.
Deserves to be done again, but properly.
I Saw The TV Glow. ( streamed )
This was recommended to me by a mate.
All I can say, is that it`s a film you`ll either enjoy or hate, no middle ground, as it`s so weird.
A young lad, who`s a social misfit, finds escape with another young misfit, in a weird and trippy late night TV show, which eventually takes control of their lives.
The film is a social comment on being an outsider / not accepted, due to being different.
It`s a film I can see as ending up as cult classic one day.
The Dampyr ( just dropped on Netlfix )
Set in the Balkans during the recent war. A group of Vampires are picking off villagers and soldiers at will.
Up steps The Dampyr, half human, half vampire to do battle with them.
It watches very much like a B movie, with English and American actors playing Eastern European parts and the icing on the cake, is the normally impeccable David Morrisey playing the " king vampire "
It`s a film I`d watch if I had a hangover and didn`t want to move off the couch for 1.30hrs, whilst I get my head back together.