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  1. dutchman

    USSR invades Ukraine.

    Or a false flag operation by Russia to increase support for Putin?
  2. dutchman

    The Nationwide £100

    Three-quarters of existing members will get nothing... I bet the directors award themselves record bonuses though?
  3. dutchman

    The Nationwide £100

    I know but there will now be a flood of new accounts opened in the hope of cashing in on future payments.
  4. dutchman

    The Nationwide £100

    This looks to me like nothing more than a bribe to persuade non-members to move their current a/c and savings or mortgage a/c to Nationwide. In my opinion all existing paid-up members should benefit from any profit made by a society. By the way I'm not a member myself although I do hold their...
  5. dutchman

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?
  6. dutchman

    The Coventry Wembley Logistics thread

    Wonder if my youngest daughter will be getting her sky blue vevuzela out of storage.* The Wembley ground staff must be sick of the sight of her by now, she's been there so often? I'd post a clip of her blowing the damn thing but she's blocked me on Facebook.
  7. dutchman

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    Another own-goal by Starmer...
  8. dutchman

    Trump is my favourite comedian of the year already
  9. dutchman

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    Just to be clear non-doms DO pay tax on any money earned in this country, they are only exempt from money earned abroad.
  10. dutchman

    Thanks for all your support

    I had one many years ago. It was a delayed side-effect of a recent dose of flue. It was quite funny as I was talking to a friend on the phone at the time and suddenly lost all feeling down one side of my body so had to balance on one leg in order to finish the call. There were no lasting...
  11. dutchman

    Email protected

    I suspect it's to do with your anti-virus and nothing to do with the forum?
  12. dutchman

    Eurovision 2023

    I'm old enough to remember when it was about the music!
  13. dutchman

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    Dave Ramsey advises his followers to borrow no more than 75% for 15 years. The rest will still be paying their's off in their 70s. On top of that many Americans now have car loans as big as home loans were some years ago.
  14. dutchman

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    They're not 'fixed' for the life of the mortgage though like they are in other countries. Many people must be coming to the end of their fixed term and will face much steeper rises.
  15. dutchman

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    "School of Hard Knocks" "University of Life" 😜
  16. dutchman

    Things that annoy you

    Actors mumbling in TV series. I subscribe to a service which supplies subtitles for series where none are normally provided and even they are sometimes stumped. The Nevers (Part 2) is a particularly bad example. Turning up the volume doesn't help, the over-loud music and sound effects just wake...
  17. dutchman

    Do you want to discuss boring politics?

    Surprising criticism from the Tory newspaper:
  18. dutchman


    Typical pig-ignorant scousers...