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  1. S


    "adminertration" sounds very painful and illegal
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    Sumamry Of Today

    No county limerick in a small small village
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    Sumamry Of Today

    How is the Emerald Isle, puked in Shannon Airport after a monster session in Limerick.
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    How much did ACL & the Council actually put in

    CCC did well out of the whole deal, CCFC were broke, it gave us a stay of execution but ultimately they further strangled the club not only with the rent but also the lost revenue streams. I recognise CCFC sold these rights but ACL should have refused to buy them. SISU were right to pursue...
  5. S

    It just gets worse....

    The final nail in the coffin of the play-off dream, we will miss his ability to counter-attack at pace and of course all those goals over the last 5 seasons. but hopefully he will be fit and ready to tear apart League 1 defences like he did the championship.
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    Next week - another busy week in the life of CCFC

    Tuesday - high court judgement most like a further adjournment Thursday - 28th deadline re 10 points to be taken from this season Friday - a game - venue to be confirmed Football League will need to make a statement re 10 points & whether they will allow us to play at wherever SISU / Club...
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    My current state of mind

    concerned - its like Ulster, 2 polarised sides and a governement / FL unable to provide meaningful direction / support. gobsmacked - SISU seem to have spent millions turning a mid table championship side into a mid-table first division side frustrated - with the pre SISU regime's incompetence...
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    How much did ACL & the Council actually put in

    I thought ACL took out a loan of £21m to complete the stadium - they did not pay this to the council £113m total cost less £21 m paid by ACL, less £10m paid by the council. How was the other £82m funded, Tesco land sale (£60m) & the costs incurred by CCFC (£20m)
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    How much did ACL & the Council actually put in

    Fletch referred to this on CWR, anyone know the actual cash paid in by these parties, he was insinuating that its a lot less than we all think.
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    ACL Statement, Saturday 23 March

    I think this concept that CCFC should have a wider social responsibility of developing the rest of the area around the Ricoh has to be dropped. What other football clubs are saddled with this. CCC benefitted from CCFC's failure to deliver the Gasworks stadium. The arena is a vibrant shopping...
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    A couple of simple questions

    1 Besides the £14m loan from CCC to ACL, does CCC have any other loans on the Ricoh 2 Is the Casino, hotel, exhibition hall all owned by ACL
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    £50m WTF !!!!

    Never believed a word from Shitsu regarding their investment but Brendan G the insolvency practioner confirmed to CWR these amounts. In the 5 and a bit years they were in charge it didn't feel like we had a sugar daddy. Players sold for a profit Dann £2m profit Fox £1.5m profit Best £1m...
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    can anyone simplify what's going on

    Is David Bell helping out as has done sweet FA all season on the pitch
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    Think the courts will put us into admin tomorrow

    If we go into admin twice is it a 20 point deduction. Sisu will protect their investment at the risk of destroying ccfc. To me ccfc and sisu are different entities.
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    Part of me...

    We are playing Doncaster next week Bell scored a great goal against them nearly 4 years ago. Its been downhill faster than Franz klammer since.
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    Court 10 tomorrow

    Ken Didleydoo - will appear but will want to sit in the judge's seat. Igne will state that the wig and gown worn by the barristers is so unflattering and that they should try his tie and jumper combo Brodie will suggest that the verdict be texted Grendel & Co will be removed from the court for...
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    The Players Deserve The Chance To Go Up

    DMG Leon C Baker Bailey (pre injury) Frank Blair Cyrus Murphy above deserve promotion
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    Arena Construction Completion Report

    I am so confused. Who owned the land on the old gasworks site ?. I thought it was british gas / transco. It wasn't ccfc but they seemed to have been to speculate with it as if they owned it, negotiating deals with Tesco as well as spending money on the decontamination.
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    CORNER STATS - Terrible

    Ingredients to scoring from a corner 1 - delivery as mentioned above sub standard 2 - height to attack the ball, Cody Jennings, Sheffers - are no threat its like the Anthill Mob v the land of the giants 3 - wood about the only player in squad who attacks the ball.
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    New Style

    Jennings running sideways with the ball, confirmed to me what a poor player he is, slows the game down allows the opposition to get behind the ball. He apparent ly does a lot of unseen work, well that may be true but that is often the excuse given for poor footballers. Head down safe 5 yard...